Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Ugly American" and band flyers

Today I started my day early on purpose...there is a bus load of teens staying at the hostel (my side of the hostel) where there are only 2 bathrooms for everyone.  So at 5:30 AM, I took care of what I needed to without being disturbed.  Then had time for prayer and devotions, a quick breakfast and met the guys to make our way to Robert & Rachel's home.  About an hour later, going metro to bus and walking...we arrived with our backpacks.  We watched the movie "Ugly American" starring Marlon it gives away the age a little bit.  LOL  The theme was appropriate and helped us see that even if we are well intentioned, sometimes we come in like a bull wanting to do our agenda and it goes against what the people want or how it is received.  This was good to know, like Robert shared with the church, we need to build relationships with the people and not just tell people they need God.  Travis was able to talk with a young guy on the bus to Robert's home - share there is a free concert coming up and the following week the English discussion classes will start.  The guy seemed guininely interested, but had to check his calendar to see if he could be there.  Beau (even though he is more talkative than me) and I have similar issues - we find it difficult to walk up to people and just start a conversation.   After we talked about the movie, we also saw a few clips from a pastor in Kenya - he was point blank in his remarks - he said that often Americans come in desiring to help, but try to problem solve without knowing the true issues.  He said that instead of talking, they should be listening to 3-4 people and then taking what these people share and then talk.  Often people will agree to please Americans because they think so little of themselves.  Another interesting point that was brought up - often missionaries go to different 3rd world countries and return with large number of people saved...then another missionary goes to the same church (without knowing what happened the week before) and all the people raise their hands that missionary also states that 1000s were saved.   To me it just reinforces why the follow up and discipleship is so important.  It also brought to mind for me, our trip to the the Women's Conference, I shared my ideas on creative ways to teach children and when I asked if anyone had questions or suggestions...women were hesitant to ask or say anything.  Ugh!  That only took over 5 years to figure out!!!
Rachel made us a great spaghetti lunch with cucumber salad!  Yum!!  Oh let's not forget the garlic bread.  Our bellies were full!  :0)  Then we headed to Centrum to hand out more concert flyers.  I went to the top of a set of stairs and just stuck out the flyers.  More were handed out when I did not make eye contact...but the guys had good success by making eye contact.  Must be the girls were getting lost in their eyes!!  LOL
Oh, I have not been sharing about the weather here - it has been about 70 - 80 degrees and mostly sunny...sometimes a breeze.
Then we decided to test what we have learned and went to Kabaty shopping at Tesco (kind of like a super Walmart or Target).  Then came back to Hostel for dinner - sandwiches and time to chat.  Now I have to go use the bathroom before the teen return!  Then call it a night!  Hope to have pictures for you tomorrow.

"Look not every man on is own things, but every man also on the things of others."     Phil. 2:4

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Marie! All the food sounds delicious. I get to leave work in half an hour and I have a week off. Can't wait to see a Muck Dogs game tonight (Batavia baseball team opener) and have a hot dog! Take care, cousin! xoxlinda
