Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day of Highs and Lows

I had a light breakfast to start the day.  After some time reading and prayer, I joined the guys and we went to the park.  Bart, guy who works at Hostel joined us, and we played football - 2 hand touch (cause I am a girl - LOL).  I actually did pretty good at keeping up.  Then they needed even teams for frisbee and I was the side line photographer.  It may be later that the pictures are added...they take some time to download and attach.  Unfortunately, Bart reached up for the frisbee in the second half, his foot slipped and he came down wrong on his right foot...broke his ankle.  Later we found out it is broken in 2 places.  A nurse and her boyfriend stopped to help, while we waited for the ambulance.  We got to pray a little with Bar, but he said he would not pray.  It just showed us the hardness of hearts here in Poland.  Travis was willing to go with him to the hospital, but they do not allow additional passangers.  So we have his number and staying in touch.  We hope to go to the hospital on Monday to visit and bring a gift.  Bart is not mad at us that he is hurt, he realizes it was a risk that one takes in playing sports.  There were not a lot of people playing outdoors - Bart said many play video games or indoor sports.  Beau and Keith had gone back to the Hostel - to make them aware of what happened (they laughed and did not really show concern) and then they brought Bart his things in time to take to the hospital.  We all went back to the Hostel to get cleaned up and go for lunch.  The guys gave in and let me go to a place to have some Pierogi!  Erin - your were better!  I would have taken a picture, but I was very hungry.  LOL  The funny thing is that they were playing German music that you hear at German Day fest.  A few commented, but they know of my German they took it easy on me.  :0)  Then we went to Dom Kultury (community center) - where we will be having English discussion groups and band give lessons.  Band set up in Klub 29 - I really thought it was going to be a jam session or was more like a jam session, but should have been lesson time.  Unfortunately no one came, so we prayed that people will come on Sunday night and Wednesday night...Friday will be the concert.  Then we went to dinner - Pastor Bill will appreciate this - Pizza Hut!  Go to Poland and eat American food...  Then we went home and called it a night.

"We walk by faith, not by sight."      2 Corinthians 5:7

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