Thursday, June 2, 2011

Prayer Letter

I am excited about the opportunity to go to Poland.  On June 12th, I will be flying to Warsaw to help the Krzesinski family with their ministry! 
Our hope is to build relationships in order to share faith, teach Children Sunday school, have a Family Fun day, music lessons (possible concert) and help in any way needed.
The team is coming together - 3 college students will be arriving on Monday 6/13 and they will be staying for 2 months (unfortunately I will not be able to stay that long).  There is a small group coming a few days after we arrive, so we are preparing to hit the ground running.  A few other people are coming to help minister to us.  In July, there will be a family and other students joining the team.
By taking this step in faith, I am asking for prayer.  The specific prayer requests are to open hearts & minds of the Polish people to have personal relationship with the Lord, to encourage believers, travel mercies, wisdom & guidance in moving forward.
Thanks for being willing to join me in this ministry!  Please check out Operation Poland website to meet the Krzesinskis and others that will be joining the team and their ministry.
Thanks for your friendship, prayers, and encouragement!  It means more than I can express.
Your sister in Christ, Marie  :0)

Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and Follow Me."         Matthew 16:24

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