Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Preparing for Discussion Groups

Today there was a steady flow of women to the bathroom next door to my room.  So I jumped in when I had a chance...let's just say I was greeted by several women with their arms crossed and stern looks on their faces.  Apparently they thought they were the only ones on this floor and they could just take over the bathroom.  On to more pleasant things - we had a very nice breakfast spread - there were a few cold cuts, hard boiled eggs and there was some fruit...but only a remnants remained.  It was all good, I was not that hungry anyway.  Sinuses - gotta love 'em.  It was nice to see a full table of food and variety!  Then we were off to the Krzesinskis to start preparing for the discussion groups.  Robert and Rachel allowed us to try to figure out what to do...then gave in and helped us find a direction, since it is from beginners up to advanced speakers of English.  We started to think about going along with Narnia, but then found another topic that seemed like a good place to start and related to a survey question that some people struggled.  The question relates to what determines good and evil.  So we are planning to look at different people from movie stars to political leaders.   We hope to open the discussion up to hear their opinions and hope to include some biblical principles.   For the beginner crowd...I have a book on "Big and Little" that I hope to use to get them seeing and saying the words and there are some sentences.  Also go through some basics like A,B,C and numbers.  Hope to watch a Veggie Tales video or find other pictures or objects to help with the learning process.  Also work on colors, and work up to Fruits of the Spirit (with different fruit shapes representing each), asking what they think each word means and giving definition.  For the most part, it may be just repeating what I say...but we will see.   Please pray that people will come and that we may continue to improve each week and help to build relationships.   Rachel made another wonderful lunch - ground turkey patties, potatoes and cauliflower.  We worked a little more on planning for the groups, then it was time to go.  The Krzesinskis' were going to visit some friends and help encourage the family and we were going to visit Bart.  Unfortunately for us, Bart had his parents there and it was not a good time to come.  We are hoping to see him on Saturday, get to meet his roommate and see how well he is doing for ourselves.  Robert shared with us that it is a big deal when someone invites you to their home.  We are thrilled to have this opportunity! We went back to the Hostel after stopping at our favorite corner store...the store owner must wonder what is going on with 4 Americans coming in daily with backpacks!  He is friendly and we usually are not there long.  I have learned to carry the backpack in my hand, instead of my back when in the store.  A few days ago, I almost knocked a bunch of cookies off the shelf...luckily the guys are taller than me and caught the few bags that fell before they hit the floor.  Yeah  - I see my family shaking their heads and my friends laughing!   It is all good.   The Hostel was preparing dinner for the group and it was supposed to be served at 6:30, so we were going to meet at 7:30 for dinner...go figure, the group came at 7:30!  We ate at the guys suite and then did some more research.  I am writing this blog, adding a few pictures of the group of kids & smore making, read and off to bed.

"But the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering (patience), gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness (kindness), temperance (self-control): against such there is no law."                 Galatians 5:22-23

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