Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mission Lesson and handing out Band Flyers

Well I was woken to people in the bathroom next door to my room at 5:30 AM...the guys in the room next door must have been too.  They began talking and talking - worse than women...and these guys were from America, so sadly I could understand what they were saying.  So it was a rough start this morning and NO COFFEE.  Thanks to the prayers, I made it through the missions lesson and discussions.  Then we met Robert for lunch.  The restaurant had food written out in English too - sorry Erin no Pierogies.
I had chicken that was thin with potato pancake topping with some white cabbage.  It was very good and I was so hungry that I forgot to take a picture first.  Keith had the lamb keibasa with potatoes and the rest of the guys had schnitzel that covered the plate with sides of potato salad and french fries.  We went to park and received some information on Ursynow, some things to be aware of (safety issues) and schedule for the week (it will be flexible - specially with band coming from States tomorrow).  They will be here for 10 days.  Then we went to a college campus to start handing out flyers about the concerts!  It is interesting to see some peoples reaction and they make comments (of course I only caught on the one time - they thought Travis may be a policeman - he does look a little like the Rock)!  Then we headed to the Krzesinskis for dinner.  Thankfully they saw how tired we all were and we will be watching the movie "Ugly American" tomorrow morning.  I will try to have pictures to share tomorrow, but have to call it a night.  :0)

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