Saturday, June 25, 2011

Family Fun Day

We started the day with videos regarding missions and various ways other religions view to their gods.  Then we had lunch - big salads!  I know I really enjoyed it...and we also got to try a lard &  bacon spread... My cholesterol just shot up!!!  After doing a quick run through on how to put the kalescopes together - we went over to Family Fun days at the community center.   A group has come and made this a 3 day event with inflatables, games, crafts and face painting.  Rachel & I were going to do the face painting, but they set up a much bigger area across the way.  So we stuck to the kalescopes.  Markers were forgotten, so I went to the store and got some.  With Robert & Rachel's help, we were able to help kids make or color about 80  and give them away.  It also allowed us to hand out flyers about the English classes and now we may be getting families to come.  So we need to design a program for kids, beginner adults and advanced discussion groups.  When it rains here - it tends come quick, soak, and move on...this happened at 6:30 PM and the event was to go to 7 PM, then the band would play....  Needless to say, we packed up real quick, I got soaked and hurried in to listen to the band.  As the weather cleared, the room cleared also.  The band did a great job, I think it is more a reflection of the people having a closed hearts.  Then I went with Rachel & the kids to help with dinner...but plans changed and I was taken back to the community center to meet up with the guys.  It was decided that we should go met the band for off to Centrum we went.  After being misguided on where they were, the first place was going to close in 30 minutes, so the order would come and we would need to we met at...Yes you guessed it "Pizza Hut."  Robert got a bit flustered...when he placed the order for Gary & himself - instead of ordering supreme...he started to order a Hawian style pizza and asked Gary if he likes "annanas" on his pizza - I said "pineapple" and Gary said no.  So then Robert proceeds to order 1/2 pizza with pepperoni and jalepenos and other 1/2 margharita (cheese)!!!  Can you tell he had a long day!  LOL  After dinner we went back to the Hostel, the band was leaving at 3 AM, so they were not planning to sleep...but we planned to sleep in!  That is why this update is coming now, instead of last night!  :0)  Have a great day! 

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men."       Colossians 3:23

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