Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day Off

We slept in and got some reading done.  Then in the afternoon, we were on our way to vist Bart, but he texted and asked us to come on Sunday afternoon...because he was alone in his apartment and would not be able to let us in.  Quick update on Bart, a few days ago he got 2 rods put in his ankle and was in the hospital till Friday evening or Saturday morning.  He is home and it may be up to 6 weeks for healing.  His girlfriend, Joanna will be there Sunday afternoon and she will let us in.  So we are looking forward to our visit with Bart.  Back to the events of the day, we went to Old Town and New Town to an American bookstore.  Since I will be working with the beginners and kids for the English discussion groups, I wanted a few books to use, to get a Polish cookbook (that I could read) for the dinner we need to prepare for a family the Krzesinskis know, book about Poland landmarks and some postcards.  We know when it is our day off - there will be rain.  So now we (OK some of us) know to pack a rain jacket - just in case.  The main street through Old Town was closed and they had cars, on display and some other vendors...I could have had a makeover, but it probably would have cost me.  LOL  There was also a fashion show and we got to see some of the rehearsal.   The girls look like they are mid-teens and very slender.  We watched for a bit and then went to get something to eat.  It was fortunate that we got to the corner store just before it stuff for sandwiches and some blackberry & blueberry ice cream as a dessert.  Beau's parents called via face time and I got to meet them and chat with them a bit.  It was a real blessing and they prayed with us.  After lunch, we went to our rooms to read and then were off to the Krzesinski's for dinner.  Polish hots and sandwiches...then Krzesinskis had some face time with Beau's parents also.  Rachel made a snack that you toss waffle like noodles in hot oil and they puff up to soft waffles and you add some powdered sugar - they are like mini funnel cakes.  We enjoyed them as we watched "Princess Bride."  Then Robert took us to the hostel and called it a day!  :0)

"For which ause we faint not: but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day."                                               II Corinthians 4:16

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