Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Day of English Discussion Groups

Today I was greeted by fewer ladies and none had their arms crossed - still the look of frustration...maybe tomorrow morning I will get a smile!  LOL  Afterall tomorrow is their last day here.  That also means that tomorrow morning will be the last of the nice morning spread!  Oh well - I am not here to eat a great breakfast.  We went to the Krzesinskis to make a few changes to our presentations and to finish preparing. Who knew that it would be so draining to work for a 2 hour discussion group?!?!  It is all good.
Josiah hurt his arm yesterday and there are some issues with insurance, so they have not been able to take him to the doctors yet.  Hopefully the issue will be resolved soon and we may know how to help him.  We had lunch from a Chinese place called Noodle n Puddles.  It was very good - less greasy compared to the American version and some other ingredients tossed in - basil, sprouts, red onion pieces.... I know pictures!  Ugh!  If I was not so hungry, I might remember.  Then we took a nap and prayed - grabbed a bite and off to the English Discussion Group.  The guys got a nice power point presentation together on different people that would get them talking about role models.  We are very thankful that 4 girls came and that it was a great opportunity to talk with them.  One of the girls was our waitress at Pizza Hut and she brought a friend from Pizza Hut also - so it paid off eating American afterall!  The other 2 were business women and quiet...but with Robert's help - we got them talking.  There were no kids today, but it allowed me to join the group and be a part of things.  Another blessing is that the place we are renting from, the guy likes us and is giving us a discount!  Praise the Lord!!!   One girl said that her mother was her role model when she was younger, but did not have one now.  Another said it was a journalist that writes about her travels - mostly to Africa and helping those in need.  The other 2 stated Pope John Paul II because he helped people and evangelized...  It was good to find out what we are facing and how to prepare for the next event.  Robert asked the girls in Polish how they liked the discussion group, if it was helpful, and if they would come back...  All liked the discussion group and felt it was helpful, 2 out of 4 will be at other location tomorrow night and the other 2 hope to be able to come again....if their work schedules allow.  We are finding out that jobs are hard to find and when you have one, you tend to be at the mercy of the employer for work hours.   Hopefully I will be close in the spelling of the names: Agnieska, Beatra, Barbara (American spelling), and Anna.  Please keep them in prayer and that they will invite others.  We stopped in the grocery store and got cookies, candy, drinks and treats for the boys.  Thankfully one of the guys has a sweet tooth much like mine!  :0)  We talked a bit and then returned to our rooms.  It was a good day and thankful for the opportunities we have been given.  Looking forward to a good nights sleep and a good day tomorrow! 

"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God"
                 II Corinthians 3:5

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