Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Scavenger Hunt day

Today was the day to learn the Metro and find our way around town. 
Did you know that the sun comes up about 4:30 AM here?  Good thing I was so tired, I could roll over and sleep!  For breakfast, I had muesli and milk & toast with black current jam.  The milk was hot, but the coffee was cold.  :0(  Oh well, it is all good.  We left for the Metro (subway) after 11 AM.  We got our public transportation cards and I finally have a narrow face...a bit long though.  Apparently the passport picture does not scan like the original.  The cards save time - just scan and go through the turn-style. 
We had our first kanapka (sandwich) and really enjoyed it.  Then the scavenger hunt began...we were split in 2 teams: Gary, Keith and Beau - who had a 4 minute head start; Travis, Robert & me on the other. 
First stop went well - got off subway, found city hall and saw the movie theater across the street.  The one stop the stumped us the most was to the cultural center - which is where we will be next week!  LOL  Personally I think it was more that "Marcpol" would have been a better landmark...because we never did find the sushi one from the map.  Since the other team caught up to us, Robert broke down and gave us the right directions.  LOL   After exchanging some money, we saw the Roman Catholic church that had a large poster of the Pope.  We made a few more stops - then stopped for coffee.  Now I don't get this one...everything on the menu was written in English, but apparently you still need to order it in Polish!?!?!
At least one guy spoke English and understood what a small black coffee was.
Then we went to the Krzesinski's for dinner - open face sandwiches and Beau really likes the cheese with strawberry jam or it may be that he is not as adventureous with food as the rest of us.  :0)
It took about 50 minutes to get back to the Hostel, via bus, subway and walking.  It may just be that I am tired...but on the subway I noticed the car ahead of us seemed to be floating off the rails...rocking side to side...then I realized that I was holding pretty tight to the hand rail to keep my balance.   So apparently the subway goes so fast that we literally fly!  It is lesson day tomorrow....you know how well I do with an hour meeting...hope there will be tons of coffee!  :0)

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."    1 Thessalonians 5:18

I am thankful that Robert did not allow us to stray too far and that Travis has a much better sense of direction than I do!  :0)

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