Monday, June 20, 2011

Our Day Off

Our day off started with sleeping in a bit.  It was a rainy day, so the sunshine was not popping in early and we could take it easy.  I spent most of the morning reading, praying and catching up on e-mails & Facebook.  Our original plan was to leave at noon, take Metro to bus 131 from Centrum to go to hospital to visit Bart.  Robert called and said that they are bringing lunch.   So the running joke is add 10 minutes to whatever time is given (at least) and it will be close.  We had sandwiches, chips, pickles, fruit and sweets about 12:40 PM.  After we cleaned up, we made our way in the rain to Metro, then bus 131 by Hard Rock café, and on to hospital.  Unfortunately there were no flower stands near the hospital or something to bring as a treat for Bart.  He greeted us outside…since he was taking the opportunity to enjoy the break of rain – a little sunshine and to have a smoke.  Cigarettes are smoked often here and you get accustomed to the smell…we do ride public transportation.   We found Bart in good spirits like usual.  He has a hairline fracture about 4 inches below his knee and the bone is broken at the ankle.  In the pictures, you see he has a cast on…he would much rather go home and allow the bone to heal on its own…but he explained the Polish healthcare.   If he goes home before the surgery to put in rod in ankle and he gets hurt again, he will have to pay about 2500 zoltys from his own pocket.   The doctors have told him that the surgery will be this week, just not a date or time…that is to be found out later.  He was so happy that we came and we had a good time learning a little more Polish and meeting his girlfriend.  Unfortunately , I can’t remember her name…but I am learning that many people will say they understand English but can’t speak it.  This just means they are hesitant to speak to us directly.  It was a good time of fellowship and she did open up and talk with us also.  Doctors have told Bart that it will be up to 6 weeks to recover, but he is convinced that he will be walking in 4 weeks.  His roommate and girlfriend have talked to the Hostel manager and worked things out where they will work Bart’s shifts, so he has a job when he is able to walk again.  The blessing is that we will have the opportunity to talk with them and build relationships.   Bart’s determination is really neat – he wants to come to the concert on Friday night…if his girlfriend let’s him.  We found out that Bart and his girlfriend met on an internet dating site about 4 years ago and things are going well for them.  Inside the hospital things are very plain – mostly white walls and no pictures or colorful lines to follow.  There are usually 3 people to a room and TV’s are not free.  So Bart is really bored, he does not like to read and there is not much else to do laying there.  We enjoyed our time with Bart and then went back to the Hostel for about 1.5 hours.   Then went out to eat…yes, another American restaurant – KFC.   2 Classic buckets, fries and 2 liters of Pepsi.   Then we went grocery shopping…I am so thankful that Rachel took me to Real before, otherwise this would have been a much longer trip.  LOL  We looked at books, mini-fridge, breakfast foods, rolls (I finally got a VollKorn  Brotchen), jam, cheese, butter, soda, iced tea with lemon, cookies, and fruit.  Let me tell you – these boys can eat!   The funny thing is – I am the one that gains the weight!  Ugh!  Although I am convinced that it is muscles because it is almost 2 strides to their one – and we do a lot of walking and keeping our balance on Metro or bus!   Robert met us at the Real and gave us a lift back to the Hostel…since we had a few things.  LOL   We chatted a bit, before the guys wanted to meet with Gary.  There is a group of college age kids here that were speaking English – they may have been from Sweden, but they also spoke a little German…so who knows.  It is fun to be at the Hostel and hear all the different languages and try to figure out who is saying what.   I just wish the guys would stop talking about Bumble bees!!!  Have to let you in on that another time.  It is late and we are going to be getting to work tomorrow! 

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."      Col. 4:4

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