Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Prospective...

Happy Father's Day!  We went to a Catholic Mass today.  It was at 11 AM and we stood in the back.  I hope to download some pictures, so you can see how beautiful the church is.  They had about 6 alter boys and 3 girls (teens) do readings and singing.  It was pretty much a typical Mass, other than being in Polish and it was either assistant priest/deacons that collected the tithes.  They would either do the sign on the cross on the baby's head or bless the kids giving.  When they went to prayer before communion we left, to find there were about 2 dozen people outside.  Not sure if it was that the church was full or they preferred to be Krzesinski home to help Rachel make dinner.  Guys helped peel cucumbers, cut potatoes and Rachel/Robert baked the chicken.  We also got to play with the kids and prevent the dog from going in the kitchen.  LOL
It was a very good meal and a good discussion about faith and what Catholics believe.  Then we had dessert!  There was a strawberry cake (like blitz kuechen - not 1/2 sheet cake size), apple cake (almost like a yeast dough cake with apples in the middle - but not as good as Tante Resi's) and chocolate torte with layers of light chocolate cake, chocolate mousse and chocolate frosting & chips on top.  Yummy!!!
I know - I need to start taking pictures of the food!  Then Rachel and I went to get a few groceries before we headed back to Klub 29.  We ate our sandwiches and snacks...then headed in.  There were a few people that came for lessons, but then when the band was going to rehearse, we were asked to keep the noise down because there was a performance going on upstairs.  Some people reacted, but situation was resolved.  It just gives us insight on some of the challenges one faces, when people are opposed to what Christians would like to do.  There are times when you feel tested and only hope that you make the right decisions to help resolve issue and not judge the other person.  Not sure if I passed that test today.  We had a good discussion on the way back to Hostel - on metro and more so on foot.  I am not only growing spiritually closer to the Lord, but my walk is making me physically stronger in my legs.  :0)

"Judge not, that you be not judged."    Matthew 7:1

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