Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Day of English Discussion Groups

Today I was greeted by fewer ladies and none had their arms crossed - still the look of frustration...maybe tomorrow morning I will get a smile!  LOL  Afterall tomorrow is their last day here.  That also means that tomorrow morning will be the last of the nice morning spread!  Oh well - I am not here to eat a great breakfast.  We went to the Krzesinskis to make a few changes to our presentations and to finish preparing. Who knew that it would be so draining to work for a 2 hour discussion group?!?!  It is all good.
Josiah hurt his arm yesterday and there are some issues with insurance, so they have not been able to take him to the doctors yet.  Hopefully the issue will be resolved soon and we may know how to help him.  We had lunch from a Chinese place called Noodle n Puddles.  It was very good - less greasy compared to the American version and some other ingredients tossed in - basil, sprouts, red onion pieces.... I know pictures!  Ugh!  If I was not so hungry, I might remember.  Then we took a nap and prayed - grabbed a bite and off to the English Discussion Group.  The guys got a nice power point presentation together on different people that would get them talking about role models.  We are very thankful that 4 girls came and that it was a great opportunity to talk with them.  One of the girls was our waitress at Pizza Hut and she brought a friend from Pizza Hut also - so it paid off eating American afterall!  The other 2 were business women and quiet...but with Robert's help - we got them talking.  There were no kids today, but it allowed me to join the group and be a part of things.  Another blessing is that the place we are renting from, the guy likes us and is giving us a discount!  Praise the Lord!!!   One girl said that her mother was her role model when she was younger, but did not have one now.  Another said it was a journalist that writes about her travels - mostly to Africa and helping those in need.  The other 2 stated Pope John Paul II because he helped people and evangelized...  It was good to find out what we are facing and how to prepare for the next event.  Robert asked the girls in Polish how they liked the discussion group, if it was helpful, and if they would come back...  All liked the discussion group and felt it was helpful, 2 out of 4 will be at other location tomorrow night and the other 2 hope to be able to come again....if their work schedules allow.  We are finding out that jobs are hard to find and when you have one, you tend to be at the mercy of the employer for work hours.   Hopefully I will be close in the spelling of the names: Agnieska, Beatra, Barbara (American spelling), and Anna.  Please keep them in prayer and that they will invite others.  We stopped in the grocery store and got cookies, candy, drinks and treats for the boys.  Thankfully one of the guys has a sweet tooth much like mine!  :0)  We talked a bit and then returned to our rooms.  It was a good day and thankful for the opportunities we have been given.  Looking forward to a good nights sleep and a good day tomorrow! 

"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God"
                 II Corinthians 3:5

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Preparing for Discussion Groups

Today there was a steady flow of women to the bathroom next door to my room.  So I jumped in when I had a chance...let's just say I was greeted by several women with their arms crossed and stern looks on their faces.  Apparently they thought they were the only ones on this floor and they could just take over the bathroom.  On to more pleasant things - we had a very nice breakfast spread - there were a few cold cuts, hard boiled eggs and there was some fruit...but only a remnants remained.  It was all good, I was not that hungry anyway.  Sinuses - gotta love 'em.  It was nice to see a full table of food and variety!  Then we were off to the Krzesinskis to start preparing for the discussion groups.  Robert and Rachel allowed us to try to figure out what to do...then gave in and helped us find a direction, since it is from beginners up to advanced speakers of English.  We started to think about going along with Narnia, but then found another topic that seemed like a good place to start and related to a survey question that some people struggled.  The question relates to what determines good and evil.  So we are planning to look at different people from movie stars to political leaders.   We hope to open the discussion up to hear their opinions and hope to include some biblical principles.   For the beginner crowd...I have a book on "Big and Little" that I hope to use to get them seeing and saying the words and there are some sentences.  Also go through some basics like A,B,C and numbers.  Hope to watch a Veggie Tales video or find other pictures or objects to help with the learning process.  Also work on colors, and work up to Fruits of the Spirit (with different fruit shapes representing each), asking what they think each word means and giving definition.  For the most part, it may be just repeating what I say...but we will see.   Please pray that people will come and that we may continue to improve each week and help to build relationships.   Rachel made another wonderful lunch - ground turkey patties, potatoes and cauliflower.  We worked a little more on planning for the groups, then it was time to go.  The Krzesinskis' were going to visit some friends and help encourage the family and we were going to visit Bart.  Unfortunately for us, Bart had his parents there and it was not a good time to come.  We are hoping to see him on Saturday, get to meet his roommate and see how well he is doing for ourselves.  Robert shared with us that it is a big deal when someone invites you to their home.  We are thrilled to have this opportunity! We went back to the Hostel after stopping at our favorite corner store...the store owner must wonder what is going on with 4 Americans coming in daily with backpacks!  He is friendly and we usually are not there long.  I have learned to carry the backpack in my hand, instead of my back when in the store.  A few days ago, I almost knocked a bunch of cookies off the shelf...luckily the guys are taller than me and caught the few bags that fell before they hit the floor.  Yeah  - I see my family shaking their heads and my friends laughing!   It is all good.   The Hostel was preparing dinner for the group and it was supposed to be served at 6:30, so we were going to meet at 7:30 for dinner...go figure, the group came at 7:30!  We ate at the guys suite and then did some more research.  I am writing this blog, adding a few pictures of the group of kids & smore making, read and off to bed.

"But the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering (patience), gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness (kindness), temperance (self-control): against such there is no law."                 Galatians 5:22-23

Monday, June 27, 2011

Research and Planning

Gary flew home early on Monday morning.  We started our day doing surveys in Old Town.  We were there a few hours and then went back to the Hostel to have lunch.  There is a corner store that has the basics that we need for sandwiches.  We took time to discuss what each of us learned and tried to find a way to make the surveys flow a little more.  They are 2 pages and we hope to condense them to one.  At lunch, we also found out there will be a group of 50 senior citizens staying at the Hostel - they were making them dinner and I think they are getting nicer breakfast spread too!  The good thing will be that it is quiet at night, the challenge will be to use the bathroom in the morning.  Ugh!   I knew getting up early with the young ones next door, would give me the time... Oh well, these are some of the silly challenges that one faces by staying in a Hostel.  After lunch, we went out to the University near one of the community centers to do surveys and hand out flyers.  Some did not want to talk with others, but we had a few very good conversations.   Then we were off to dinner at Robert & Rachel's.  When we arrived, there were 4 boys there to play with Eli and Josiah.   It was interesting to observe the different personalities of the boys.  We had chicken kebabs and rolls for dinner and the boys just hung out.  Rachel got marshmellows for roasting and chocolate covered cookies for smores.  Their intentions were not to have the boys friends there for marshmellow roasting, but they were not ready to leave...   It was a good time, the boys went home, kids were put to bed and then we shared with Robert & Rachel about the surveys and we talked about some changes to surveys.  We also started to plan how the discussion groups would start, the topics and direction they are to lead.  I was tired and don't think I was the only one.  So we got back late and I just went to bed.

"That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God."                                   Colossians 1:10

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Service....

We went over to Robert & Rachel's for service this morning.  Travis led the worship and Robert preached from Luke 19.  The kids went to the office with Rachel to learn about Moses.   Then we had lunch and the guys wanted to do their own thing.  Gary invited Robert and Rachel to dinner, so I stayed with Eli and Josiah.  We had a good afternoon and evening.  There was face painting, drawing Star Wars stick figures, playing outside, apples for snack...later we had sandwiches for dinner and chips.  Then back outside to work off some energy, found out the boys don't really throw frisbees straight up in the air...they tend to land in the neighbor's she has 2 frisbees now.  To unwind a bit, we watched a few cartoons...I need to learn more Polish to follow what they are saying...then had them wash their faces and put PJs on.  I read them a few books and shortly after Robert and Rachel came in with Layla.  Rachel took me home and we had a nice conversation in the car.  Gary leaves tomorrow, so I hope he has a safe flight back to the Dominican Republic.  I need to clean up and get some rest for the day ahead! 

"Do all things without murmuring and disputing."                           Philippians 2:14

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day Off

We slept in and got some reading done.  Then in the afternoon, we were on our way to vist Bart, but he texted and asked us to come on Sunday afternoon...because he was alone in his apartment and would not be able to let us in.  Quick update on Bart, a few days ago he got 2 rods put in his ankle and was in the hospital till Friday evening or Saturday morning.  He is home and it may be up to 6 weeks for healing.  His girlfriend, Joanna will be there Sunday afternoon and she will let us in.  So we are looking forward to our visit with Bart.  Back to the events of the day, we went to Old Town and New Town to an American bookstore.  Since I will be working with the beginners and kids for the English discussion groups, I wanted a few books to use, to get a Polish cookbook (that I could read) for the dinner we need to prepare for a family the Krzesinskis know, book about Poland landmarks and some postcards.  We know when it is our day off - there will be rain.  So now we (OK some of us) know to pack a rain jacket - just in case.  The main street through Old Town was closed and they had cars, on display and some other vendors...I could have had a makeover, but it probably would have cost me.  LOL  There was also a fashion show and we got to see some of the rehearsal.   The girls look like they are mid-teens and very slender.  We watched for a bit and then went to get something to eat.  It was fortunate that we got to the corner store just before it stuff for sandwiches and some blackberry & blueberry ice cream as a dessert.  Beau's parents called via face time and I got to meet them and chat with them a bit.  It was a real blessing and they prayed with us.  After lunch, we went to our rooms to read and then were off to the Krzesinski's for dinner.  Polish hots and sandwiches...then Krzesinskis had some face time with Beau's parents also.  Rachel made a snack that you toss waffle like noodles in hot oil and they puff up to soft waffles and you add some powdered sugar - they are like mini funnel cakes.  We enjoyed them as we watched "Princess Bride."  Then Robert took us to the hostel and called it a day!  :0)

"For which ause we faint not: but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day."                                               II Corinthians 4:16

Family Fun Day

We started the day with videos regarding missions and various ways other religions view to their gods.  Then we had lunch - big salads!  I know I really enjoyed it...and we also got to try a lard &  bacon spread... My cholesterol just shot up!!!  After doing a quick run through on how to put the kalescopes together - we went over to Family Fun days at the community center.   A group has come and made this a 3 day event with inflatables, games, crafts and face painting.  Rachel & I were going to do the face painting, but they set up a much bigger area across the way.  So we stuck to the kalescopes.  Markers were forgotten, so I went to the store and got some.  With Robert & Rachel's help, we were able to help kids make or color about 80  and give them away.  It also allowed us to hand out flyers about the English classes and now we may be getting families to come.  So we need to design a program for kids, beginner adults and advanced discussion groups.  When it rains here - it tends come quick, soak, and move on...this happened at 6:30 PM and the event was to go to 7 PM, then the band would play....  Needless to say, we packed up real quick, I got soaked and hurried in to listen to the band.  As the weather cleared, the room cleared also.  The band did a great job, I think it is more a reflection of the people having a closed hearts.  Then I went with Rachel & the kids to help with dinner...but plans changed and I was taken back to the community center to meet up with the guys.  It was decided that we should go met the band for off to Centrum we went.  After being misguided on where they were, the first place was going to close in 30 minutes, so the order would come and we would need to we met at...Yes you guessed it "Pizza Hut."  Robert got a bit flustered...when he placed the order for Gary & himself - instead of ordering supreme...he started to order a Hawian style pizza and asked Gary if he likes "annanas" on his pizza - I said "pineapple" and Gary said no.  So then Robert proceeds to order 1/2 pizza with pepperoni and jalepenos and other 1/2 margharita (cheese)!!!  Can you tell he had a long day!  LOL  After dinner we went back to the Hostel, the band was leaving at 3 AM, so they were not planning to sleep...but we planned to sleep in!  That is why this update is coming now, instead of last night!  :0)  Have a great day! 

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men."       Colossians 3:23

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Polish Catholic Holiday

Today we got up early to go see a parade for the Catholic holiday.  It is to honor the Father.  We arrived a little early for the parade, so we looked to the National Museum and took some photos of military  vehicles and planes, the bridge and some of downtown.  Then we headed over to where one of many parades for the day would  be.  Well, it definitely was not like the American parades with bands, dancing, floats and so on..I will let the pictures do the talking.  Then we headed out to Robert & Rachel's via bus.  It was a different route that took us past parks, single homes (one had a window with statue of Mary encased - the blessing on the home), factories and some rough roads.  Then back to the usual route, only the buses were running slower and less often due to the holiday.  When we started down on of the main streets to get to the Krzesinski home...we saw a real parade of people.  They had flags, singing, large rosary, and people carrying branches.  I think Robert took us to the first parade to help us appreciate the one by his home!!
We watched a few videos regarding Missions - talking about being mission minded and how we need to remember we are going to work beside the people of the different countries and in third world countries - they see Americans as a higher class and may just allow us to come in a build a church that they never use.
By getting the people's input and having them help to build - you will have a longer lasting effect and they will use the building and not just allow it to take up space.  There were more examples of missionaries coming in and doing good, but with the wrong motives or not building a relationship with the people...then not having a lasting effect.   We ate Kelbasa from the grill and veggie salad!  It was very good and we are blessed to have Rachel cook great meals for us!   The guys went out to entertain the kids and chat with one another and I stayed in to help Rachel and relax.  Later the guys went to visit a family and had an opportunity to share their faith with went well because they were asked to come again to visit!  :0)  I got to hang out with Rachel, Robert and Gary - I had a chance to talk with them more about missions and get some insight about things that I have been praying about.  It was great for me to get the insight I needed - that my focus was on some of the wrong things and now know what to pray about and their needs.   I also got some clothes washed and time to talk with Rachel about some girlie stuff.  Tomorrow - Lord Willing - there will be a Family Fun day at Dom Kultury - the community center.  As long as it does not rain, we hope to do some face painting and making kalediscopes with the kids.  Then the Christian concert will follow and we are praying that people will come.  Thanks for the prayers and encouragement!  :0)

"If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them!"       John 13:17

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Survey Day 2

We got a full breakfast this morning -which is toast, jam, coffee, tea, milk AND CEREAL!  I actually got to have someone join me for breakfast - Travis.  We talked a little about how the highlights of the internship so far.  Some things like getting to know my way around the metro, where the stop is to go to the buses and to take 709 to get to the Krzesinskis.  But we both stated that the done in Old Town Warsaw was the one thing that was very eye opening to us.  The young people either do not believe there is a God or just believe in God because their parents had them go to church.  With the books I have been reading - discipleship is a big part of this ministry.  I have been through some discipleship studies before, but it is really hitting home and trying to figure out how to replicate this experience when I get home.  Robert came to the Hostel, so we did not have to scoot out to the Metro early.  We talked about the survey experience and how we can improve it for today.  Even though the questions were hard for some people, we felt dumbing them down may loose some of the answers we were looking for.  This time we would be asking if they would be open to a Polish discussion group and for their e-mails.  Rachel and the kids brought us lunch and then we headed out to Old Town again.  The guys have an opportunity to go to dinner at a Polish family's home tomorrow and it will be a good opportunity to talk English and learn Polish.  We thought that 3 people verse 6 eople would go over better and who knows, we may have other opportunities to talk with them.  We had some good interaction with some people, but some just did not want to answer our questions or really did not know.  There were some e-mails given that will allow Robert to follow up and go forward.  After surveys were done, we got some ice cream (lody) and walked around Old Town a little bit.  Then we headed to Klub 29 for the band to rehearse.  We had hoped that some people would come by for lessons, but it did not work out that way.  Couple of the guys and I went outside to play catch with the football and then frisbee.  Thanks to my brothers and cousins - I was able to hold my own...and would make them proud!  Still not very good at tossing the frisbee, but something to work at.  I will have a pretty buise tomorrow on my arm...but it only looks like some red spots.  Then Joe was going to take us to a nice inexpensive Polish restaurant...we walked there and it was closed.   So then we opted to go to Pastor Bill's favorite place to dine at when outside the US - Pizza Hut!  They have a Mama Mia family special - large pizza, garlic bread slices and Pepsi.  For the 6 of us, we had 3 specials...and it is a reasonable meal - all go home with full bellies!  Usually we walk back from the Metro, but decided to take the bus - it was a short trip, but it was air conditioned!  We are calling an early night because tomorrow is a holiday in honor of Pope John Paul - if I got it right - he is going to be honored as a Saint - with several parades all over Warsaw and all day long.  So we are going to an early morning one, then taking it easy the rest of the day! 

"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."    Matthew 7:2

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Survey Day One

It was a nice sunny day!  I woke at 5 AM, but turned over and slept till 6:30 AM.  We met at 9 AM to make out way to Robert & Rachel's to prepare for the task ahead.  Since we are trying to hand out flyers about the free English discussion groups, there is a need to find a creative way to attract people to the classes.  A survey questionnaire is a good way to get to know what the people are thinking, it is a personal approach and a way to get us used to interacting with others.  So we came up with about 9 questions and figured we would start from there.  After having a great lunch of pasta and waxed beans...we helped clean up and headed to the bus station.  Side note - I know I am the girl, but I hate being the first one to be served!  Even though I know it is all about manners...we are like family and there is always plenty, so it is not like I need to be first to make sure I get something.  I believe in the Bible it states, "the first shall be last and the last shall be first" - you know where I stand.   OK back to the events of today...we rode the bus, Metro and tram to get to Old Town Warsaw.  Took tons of pictures and will include some later. Keith and I were paired up and then went out to ask our questions.  We found that some of the words we used were too difficult for them to understand or they just did not want to answer the questions.  For example: what is the purpose of life?  or  How do you determine whether to do right or wrong? 
After talking with some people, we gathered together to get feedback on the experience.  We found that we may need to make the questions more basic, that people were genuinely interested in the free English discussion groups and that there are opportunities to have Polish discussion groups based on questions that were asked.  We started asking if people would be interested to be contacted if we had Polish discussion groups based on topics that we asked about and we got a number of e-mails for Robert & Rachel to follow up on in the future!   Even though our intentions were to gather information more specific to English discussion groups where people can improve their speaking, God opened the door to another opportunity!
Then we walked through some of Old Town Warsaw and found out it is about 20 - 30 minutes from the Hostel!  So we will be going there again...soon.  After returning to the Hostel, we had open face sandwiches, chips, pickles, fruit and sweets.  The band joined us and Adam shared a few things from his Bible study.  We helped Robert and Rachel get the left overs back to the car.  Eli keeps asking when I will stay the night at their home, so Beau makes fun of me and asks "Miss Marie when are you going to stay at our house for the night?"  Gotta love the boys!  I am going to enjoy the rest of the evening reading and get a good nights sleep to prepare for walking tomorrow!  :0)

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."                      Romans 8:28

Monday, June 20, 2011

Our Day Off

Our day off started with sleeping in a bit.  It was a rainy day, so the sunshine was not popping in early and we could take it easy.  I spent most of the morning reading, praying and catching up on e-mails & Facebook.  Our original plan was to leave at noon, take Metro to bus 131 from Centrum to go to hospital to visit Bart.  Robert called and said that they are bringing lunch.   So the running joke is add 10 minutes to whatever time is given (at least) and it will be close.  We had sandwiches, chips, pickles, fruit and sweets about 12:40 PM.  After we cleaned up, we made our way in the rain to Metro, then bus 131 by Hard Rock café, and on to hospital.  Unfortunately there were no flower stands near the hospital or something to bring as a treat for Bart.  He greeted us outside…since he was taking the opportunity to enjoy the break of rain – a little sunshine and to have a smoke.  Cigarettes are smoked often here and you get accustomed to the smell…we do ride public transportation.   We found Bart in good spirits like usual.  He has a hairline fracture about 4 inches below his knee and the bone is broken at the ankle.  In the pictures, you see he has a cast on…he would much rather go home and allow the bone to heal on its own…but he explained the Polish healthcare.   If he goes home before the surgery to put in rod in ankle and he gets hurt again, he will have to pay about 2500 zoltys from his own pocket.   The doctors have told him that the surgery will be this week, just not a date or time…that is to be found out later.  He was so happy that we came and we had a good time learning a little more Polish and meeting his girlfriend.  Unfortunately , I can’t remember her name…but I am learning that many people will say they understand English but can’t speak it.  This just means they are hesitant to speak to us directly.  It was a good time of fellowship and she did open up and talk with us also.  Doctors have told Bart that it will be up to 6 weeks to recover, but he is convinced that he will be walking in 4 weeks.  His roommate and girlfriend have talked to the Hostel manager and worked things out where they will work Bart’s shifts, so he has a job when he is able to walk again.  The blessing is that we will have the opportunity to talk with them and build relationships.   Bart’s determination is really neat – he wants to come to the concert on Friday night…if his girlfriend let’s him.  We found out that Bart and his girlfriend met on an internet dating site about 4 years ago and things are going well for them.  Inside the hospital things are very plain – mostly white walls and no pictures or colorful lines to follow.  There are usually 3 people to a room and TV’s are not free.  So Bart is really bored, he does not like to read and there is not much else to do laying there.  We enjoyed our time with Bart and then went back to the Hostel for about 1.5 hours.   Then went out to eat…yes, another American restaurant – KFC.   2 Classic buckets, fries and 2 liters of Pepsi.   Then we went grocery shopping…I am so thankful that Rachel took me to Real before, otherwise this would have been a much longer trip.  LOL  We looked at books, mini-fridge, breakfast foods, rolls (I finally got a VollKorn  Brotchen), jam, cheese, butter, soda, iced tea with lemon, cookies, and fruit.  Let me tell you – these boys can eat!   The funny thing is – I am the one that gains the weight!  Ugh!  Although I am convinced that it is muscles because it is almost 2 strides to their one – and we do a lot of walking and keeping our balance on Metro or bus!   Robert met us at the Real and gave us a lift back to the Hostel…since we had a few things.  LOL   We chatted a bit, before the guys wanted to meet with Gary.  There is a group of college age kids here that were speaking English – they may have been from Sweden, but they also spoke a little German…so who knows.  It is fun to be at the Hostel and hear all the different languages and try to figure out who is saying what.   I just wish the guys would stop talking about Bumble bees!!!  Have to let you in on that another time.  It is late and we are going to be getting to work tomorrow! 

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."      Col. 4:4

Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Prospective...

Happy Father's Day!  We went to a Catholic Mass today.  It was at 11 AM and we stood in the back.  I hope to download some pictures, so you can see how beautiful the church is.  They had about 6 alter boys and 3 girls (teens) do readings and singing.  It was pretty much a typical Mass, other than being in Polish and it was either assistant priest/deacons that collected the tithes.  They would either do the sign on the cross on the baby's head or bless the kids giving.  When they went to prayer before communion we left, to find there were about 2 dozen people outside.  Not sure if it was that the church was full or they preferred to be Krzesinski home to help Rachel make dinner.  Guys helped peel cucumbers, cut potatoes and Rachel/Robert baked the chicken.  We also got to play with the kids and prevent the dog from going in the kitchen.  LOL
It was a very good meal and a good discussion about faith and what Catholics believe.  Then we had dessert!  There was a strawberry cake (like blitz kuechen - not 1/2 sheet cake size), apple cake (almost like a yeast dough cake with apples in the middle - but not as good as Tante Resi's) and chocolate torte with layers of light chocolate cake, chocolate mousse and chocolate frosting & chips on top.  Yummy!!!
I know - I need to start taking pictures of the food!  Then Rachel and I went to get a few groceries before we headed back to Klub 29.  We ate our sandwiches and snacks...then headed in.  There were a few people that came for lessons, but then when the band was going to rehearse, we were asked to keep the noise down because there was a performance going on upstairs.  Some people reacted, but situation was resolved.  It just gives us insight on some of the challenges one faces, when people are opposed to what Christians would like to do.  There are times when you feel tested and only hope that you make the right decisions to help resolve issue and not judge the other person.  Not sure if I passed that test today.  We had a good discussion on the way back to Hostel - on metro and more so on foot.  I am not only growing spiritually closer to the Lord, but my walk is making me physically stronger in my legs.  :0)

"Judge not, that you be not judged."    Matthew 7:1

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day of Highs and Lows

I had a light breakfast to start the day.  After some time reading and prayer, I joined the guys and we went to the park.  Bart, guy who works at Hostel joined us, and we played football - 2 hand touch (cause I am a girl - LOL).  I actually did pretty good at keeping up.  Then they needed even teams for frisbee and I was the side line photographer.  It may be later that the pictures are added...they take some time to download and attach.  Unfortunately, Bart reached up for the frisbee in the second half, his foot slipped and he came down wrong on his right foot...broke his ankle.  Later we found out it is broken in 2 places.  A nurse and her boyfriend stopped to help, while we waited for the ambulance.  We got to pray a little with Bar, but he said he would not pray.  It just showed us the hardness of hearts here in Poland.  Travis was willing to go with him to the hospital, but they do not allow additional passangers.  So we have his number and staying in touch.  We hope to go to the hospital on Monday to visit and bring a gift.  Bart is not mad at us that he is hurt, he realizes it was a risk that one takes in playing sports.  There were not a lot of people playing outdoors - Bart said many play video games or indoor sports.  Beau and Keith had gone back to the Hostel - to make them aware of what happened (they laughed and did not really show concern) and then they brought Bart his things in time to take to the hospital.  We all went back to the Hostel to get cleaned up and go for lunch.  The guys gave in and let me go to a place to have some Pierogi!  Erin - your were better!  I would have taken a picture, but I was very hungry.  LOL  The funny thing is that they were playing German music that you hear at German Day fest.  A few commented, but they know of my German they took it easy on me.  :0)  Then we went to Dom Kultury (community center) - where we will be having English discussion groups and band give lessons.  Band set up in Klub 29 - I really thought it was going to be a jam session or was more like a jam session, but should have been lesson time.  Unfortunately no one came, so we prayed that people will come on Sunday night and Wednesday night...Friday will be the concert.  Then we went to dinner - Pastor Bill will appreciate this - Pizza Hut!  Go to Poland and eat American food...  Then we went home and called it a night.

"We walk by faith, not by sight."      2 Corinthians 5:7

Correction and Random Observations

Correction on picture -  my room is on the top level to the left with the window cracked open.

Observations...capris are worn by mostly older women or skin tight ones by teens.  Ironically I have mostly cargo capris and a slightly longer version are worn by MEN!

Most people are used to being backed in like sardines on buses and on metro...learning to have less personal space.

Gypsies here are similar to homeless in NYC - they wash your windshield - if you are not willing to pay, then they mess it up for you. 

Being a New Yorker comes in handy - I have no problem pushing my way through to get on or off Metro or bus...the southern gentlemen that I am with...well let's say, they don't mind waiting to get off at the next stop. 

I have been spoiled by the big breakfasts that I had in Germany - the whole spread with a nice warm Brotchen.  Free breakfast consists of milk (warm or room temperature), cereal, toast & jam, and tea or coffee.   They do have hot coffee...just my timing is usually off and I get the cold cup.  It is all good - I drink it for the caffiene not the taste.  LOL
Don't be fooled - if the coffee shop has an English name and menu is all in English - they may not understand when you order a small black coffee.  Thankfully there was someone who did speak English at the shop.  LOL

OK that is you tid bits for now.  Hope you all have a great day and a chuckle!  :0)

Lesson, Girl Time and Fun

Today started early again, but the teens left this morning around 8:30 AM.  So I got some real quiet time...
Then I met Ed, he helps promote the band and has been working with Robert to set up concert and music lessons.  He and the band are from Kentucky.  We had a nice chat and then it was time for our lesson on missions.  The topic was the local church, being called to missions and the church of Antioch.  It was neat to hear about how they sent their best - Barnabas and Saul. That they were not sent out alone.  This study was from Acts 11.  Then the Krzesinski Family came and brought us lunch.  We enjoyed lunch at the Hostel, met the band, and then were split up.  Guys, band and Robert went to Centrum to hand out flyers and to a park to play fresbie.  I got to go with Rachel and the kids - have a little girl time.  We went to McDonalds for coffee and chat, while the boys played on the slide.  Then got to go to Real - like a super Walmart, for groceries and then home to make dinner.  I got to help prepare the meal and pick up some clean laundry.  :0)
Then Robert took us to Klub 29, where the band will be playing.  It is run by a guy who broke away from the Catholic church, so I was expecting some kind of Christian worship music...heavy metal screaming was what we saw.  Since I could not understand a word...I decided he was upset that he did not get his chocolate pudding and screamed "Ugh!" several times!  LOL
Then Robert shared the plan for the next week and where the band can practice and where lessons will be held.  The guys have arranged with Bart (guy who works at Hostel) to have a friendly game of football and possibly basketball in the morning.  So we headed back on the Metro and took a few pictures on the way home. 

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him , and he shall direct thy paths."   Proverbs 3:5-6

Attached are the following pictures: outside of Hostel - I am in the yellow one top floor but below the loft and guys are in gray side, Beau with kids & dog, Keith, Beau & kids, Rachel & Layla, band & Travis having fun with the bus.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Ugly American" and band flyers

Today I started my day early on purpose...there is a bus load of teens staying at the hostel (my side of the hostel) where there are only 2 bathrooms for everyone.  So at 5:30 AM, I took care of what I needed to without being disturbed.  Then had time for prayer and devotions, a quick breakfast and met the guys to make our way to Robert & Rachel's home.  About an hour later, going metro to bus and walking...we arrived with our backpacks.  We watched the movie "Ugly American" starring Marlon it gives away the age a little bit.  LOL  The theme was appropriate and helped us see that even if we are well intentioned, sometimes we come in like a bull wanting to do our agenda and it goes against what the people want or how it is received.  This was good to know, like Robert shared with the church, we need to build relationships with the people and not just tell people they need God.  Travis was able to talk with a young guy on the bus to Robert's home - share there is a free concert coming up and the following week the English discussion classes will start.  The guy seemed guininely interested, but had to check his calendar to see if he could be there.  Beau (even though he is more talkative than me) and I have similar issues - we find it difficult to walk up to people and just start a conversation.   After we talked about the movie, we also saw a few clips from a pastor in Kenya - he was point blank in his remarks - he said that often Americans come in desiring to help, but try to problem solve without knowing the true issues.  He said that instead of talking, they should be listening to 3-4 people and then taking what these people share and then talk.  Often people will agree to please Americans because they think so little of themselves.  Another interesting point that was brought up - often missionaries go to different 3rd world countries and return with large number of people saved...then another missionary goes to the same church (without knowing what happened the week before) and all the people raise their hands that missionary also states that 1000s were saved.   To me it just reinforces why the follow up and discipleship is so important.  It also brought to mind for me, our trip to the the Women's Conference, I shared my ideas on creative ways to teach children and when I asked if anyone had questions or suggestions...women were hesitant to ask or say anything.  Ugh!  That only took over 5 years to figure out!!!
Rachel made us a great spaghetti lunch with cucumber salad!  Yum!!  Oh let's not forget the garlic bread.  Our bellies were full!  :0)  Then we headed to Centrum to hand out more concert flyers.  I went to the top of a set of stairs and just stuck out the flyers.  More were handed out when I did not make eye contact...but the guys had good success by making eye contact.  Must be the girls were getting lost in their eyes!!  LOL
Oh, I have not been sharing about the weather here - it has been about 70 - 80 degrees and mostly sunny...sometimes a breeze.
Then we decided to test what we have learned and went to Kabaty shopping at Tesco (kind of like a super Walmart or Target).  Then came back to Hostel for dinner - sandwiches and time to chat.  Now I have to go use the bathroom before the teen return!  Then call it a night!  Hope to have pictures for you tomorrow.

"Look not every man on is own things, but every man also on the things of others."     Phil. 2:4

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mission Lesson and handing out Band Flyers

Well I was woken to people in the bathroom next door to my room at 5:30 AM...the guys in the room next door must have been too.  They began talking and talking - worse than women...and these guys were from America, so sadly I could understand what they were saying.  So it was a rough start this morning and NO COFFEE.  Thanks to the prayers, I made it through the missions lesson and discussions.  Then we met Robert for lunch.  The restaurant had food written out in English too - sorry Erin no Pierogies.
I had chicken that was thin with potato pancake topping with some white cabbage.  It was very good and I was so hungry that I forgot to take a picture first.  Keith had the lamb keibasa with potatoes and the rest of the guys had schnitzel that covered the plate with sides of potato salad and french fries.  We went to park and received some information on Ursynow, some things to be aware of (safety issues) and schedule for the week (it will be flexible - specially with band coming from States tomorrow).  They will be here for 10 days.  Then we went to a college campus to start handing out flyers about the concerts!  It is interesting to see some peoples reaction and they make comments (of course I only caught on the one time - they thought Travis may be a policeman - he does look a little like the Rock)!  Then we headed to the Krzesinskis for dinner.  Thankfully they saw how tired we all were and we will be watching the movie "Ugly American" tomorrow morning.  I will try to have pictures to share tomorrow, but have to call it a night.  :0)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

pictures from 6/14/11 scavenger hunt

I had hoped the descriptions stayed with the pictures when I pulled them goes:
Yummy cookies that were my evening treat
my bed at the hostel
telephone pole in front of a flower shop
Roman Catholic Church
ticket counter at movie theater - Travis & Robert
outside movie theater with attached womens gym
finished eating sandwiches from Oscar's - Layla, Rachel, Keith, Beau, Travis
Russian building given to Poland that is movie theather
I am still learning about blogging and all the tabs are in there is an added challenge!  :0)

Scavenger Hunt day

Today was the day to learn the Metro and find our way around town. 
Did you know that the sun comes up about 4:30 AM here?  Good thing I was so tired, I could roll over and sleep!  For breakfast, I had muesli and milk & toast with black current jam.  The milk was hot, but the coffee was cold.  :0(  Oh well, it is all good.  We left for the Metro (subway) after 11 AM.  We got our public transportation cards and I finally have a narrow face...a bit long though.  Apparently the passport picture does not scan like the original.  The cards save time - just scan and go through the turn-style. 
We had our first kanapka (sandwich) and really enjoyed it.  Then the scavenger hunt began...we were split in 2 teams: Gary, Keith and Beau - who had a 4 minute head start; Travis, Robert & me on the other. 
First stop went well - got off subway, found city hall and saw the movie theater across the street.  The one stop the stumped us the most was to the cultural center - which is where we will be next week!  LOL  Personally I think it was more that "Marcpol" would have been a better landmark...because we never did find the sushi one from the map.  Since the other team caught up to us, Robert broke down and gave us the right directions.  LOL   After exchanging some money, we saw the Roman Catholic church that had a large poster of the Pope.  We made a few more stops - then stopped for coffee.  Now I don't get this one...everything on the menu was written in English, but apparently you still need to order it in Polish!?!?!
At least one guy spoke English and understood what a small black coffee was.
Then we went to the Krzesinski's for dinner - open face sandwiches and Beau really likes the cheese with strawberry jam or it may be that he is not as adventureous with food as the rest of us.  :0)
It took about 50 minutes to get back to the Hostel, via bus, subway and walking.  It may just be that I am tired...but on the subway I noticed the car ahead of us seemed to be floating off the rails...rocking side to side...then I realized that I was holding pretty tight to the hand rail to keep my balance.   So apparently the subway goes so fast that we literally fly!  It is lesson day know how well I do with an hour meeting...hope there will be tons of coffee!  :0)

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."    1 Thessalonians 5:18

I am thankful that Robert did not allow us to stray too far and that Travis has a much better sense of direction than I do!  :0)

Made it to Poland .... Finally

I made it to Poland!!!!  …Not without an adventure along the way.
ODBC prayed with me and gave me a great send off.   My parents brought me to the airport at 11:15AM, in plenty of time for the flight scheduled at 1:11 PM.  Sue Graf came over and prayed with me and then the adventure truly began…  The plane that we were going to be taking us to Newark was greeted by fire trucks…only told there was something up with the landing gear.  My insider informed that it was a service light that came on.  So they were going to use another plane…the attendant kept saying in 10 – 15 minutes we would start boarding…that turned into about 45 minutes.  Needless to say we finally took off from the Rochester airport at 3:20 PM. I texted out prayer requests and appreciated all the prayers – I had a calm about it all.  I was reading the book, Radical by David Platt, it was rather timely and I got some of my homework done.   Thank goodness there was going to be a 3 hour layover in Newark.  It turned out to be ½ hour and we were boarding the plane.  Newark plane was also delayed about an hour due to weather conditions.  That was reducing my time in Hamburg…or so I thought.  On flight to Hamburg, I sat next to a nice German couple from Kiel and they made me laugh and also get out of my seat a few times…no swelling of the ankles!  Then I follow the crowd because I thought I needed to pick up my suitcase and tired.  Then realized the suitcases would go on and it would be a race to catch my flight.  Needless to say…that flight went early and I missed it by 5 minutes (they would not hold the plane).  So I got to go down to pick up my bags, rebook flight and wait. (Just wanted a little more time in Germany and FREE coffee!!)   I was routed to Munich (hey, I was never at that airport).  It was a bumpy  flight from Hamburg to Munich.  There were times where the plane felt like it dropped a few hundred feet a few times in a row. 
Hey, Karl – like going over the railroad tracks maintaining the same speed…only this time I was more of a shock!  Or I am getting old!  LOL 
Ended up paying to internet just to let Robert & Rachel know that I would not be on earlier flight and they might as well wait till 5 PM to pick me and the college guys (Beau, Keith and Travis) up. 
So then I got to Warsaw around 4:15 PM (2:15 PM in Rochester) , but should have been there at 10:05 AM!  After waiting a while at Terminal 2, I went over to Terminal 1… to be  sure that I was not forgotten….and was tired of the taxi drivers asking if I needed a ride!  Then saw Robert walk into Terminal 2, so I scooted back dragging the 2 suitcases in tow.  Shortly after Rachel & the kids came and met their friend, Joe, who  had a van to help us out and is involved in a ministry through another organization.  We enjoyed dinner at the Hostel  and got settled in.  I am calling it a night…and looking forward to the fun of tomorrow!
I am so glad to be here!  Tracy – your gifts were a great hit!  John – Robert said the Polish people do not like the Polish jokes…they tolerate them because we think they  have similar jokes about the Russians.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”   Phil. 4:6

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thank you!!!

Hi, All -
Just would like to take a moment to "THANK" everyone for the prayers, encouragement and financial support.  You have helped reconfirm that this is the Lord's will for me and that He does provide when we are faithful!  As I sit hear listening to another CD teaching me Polish...I can only hope that I am retaining more than I am repeating!  LOL  I am overwhelmed by all the things I would like to bring with me and now to decide what is really neccessary.  Yes, I am a last minute packer!  I always think I have some much time, but then it is the day before I go and the list seems overwhelming, but the Lord always gives the strength and wisdom to get what is needed done.  Thanks again for being willing to come on this journey with me, as I know it will be life changing for me...but I hope it may touch your life too! 
Love ya and know the Lord loves you more! 

"We love Him because He first loved us."      I John 4:19

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Year in Review

This has been a challenging year...there were times that I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Things seemed to build up and felt that I was just trying to push forward on my own.  Then felt selfish to quit a ministry, but the Lord provided someone to  take over and allowed me to have time be renewed.  Began seeking the Lord's will by checking out CEF opportunities and crying out to the Lord (and not hearing anything in return).  Thanks to friends who allowed me to bend their ear, giving me a shoulder to cry on and most of all for their PRAYERS!  I began praying specifically for each thing daily...and began to feel like the Lord was carrying me through.  Stubbornness, many hours and determination....I saw things starting to fall into place and doors began to open.  There was a contentment and the Lord was fulfilling my heart's desire...not in the way that I thought it would happen, but in a better way.  I know this sounds like a cliche, but when it happens to you - you will get it too!  My spiritual gift is serving and something I have done for years without realizing that the Lord had given me this talent.  As many of you know, in January, the Krzesinski family touched my heart (as they did many at ODBC), but to think that I would be going to Poland less than 5 months later...that is the Lord!  The weekend in March in WV, showed me how He was working at Lewis Memorial Baptist Church and through Daystar Baptist Missions.   The moment that I knew I needed to get serious and pray about going was when Rachel's mom asked me at McDonald's - "So do you think you will be going to Poland?" and the word "yes" came out.  :0)  It is so neat to look back on a year where you just hope to make it through the day - to be flying to Poland in just a few days to serve Him!!! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Prayer Letter

I am excited about the opportunity to go to Poland.  On June 12th, I will be flying to Warsaw to help the Krzesinski family with their ministry! 
Our hope is to build relationships in order to share faith, teach Children Sunday school, have a Family Fun day, music lessons (possible concert) and help in any way needed.
The team is coming together - 3 college students will be arriving on Monday 6/13 and they will be staying for 2 months (unfortunately I will not be able to stay that long).  There is a small group coming a few days after we arrive, so we are preparing to hit the ground running.  A few other people are coming to help minister to us.  In July, there will be a family and other students joining the team.
By taking this step in faith, I am asking for prayer.  The specific prayer requests are to open hearts & minds of the Polish people to have personal relationship with the Lord, to encourage believers, travel mercies, wisdom & guidance in moving forward.
Thanks for being willing to join me in this ministry!  Please check out Operation Poland website to meet the Krzesinskis and others that will be joining the team and their ministry.
Thanks for your friendship, prayers, and encouragement!  It means more than I can express.
Your sister in Christ, Marie  :0)

Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and Follow Me."         Matthew 16:24