Thursday, July 18, 2013

Back home and thankful for all the BLESSINGS

The last few weeks in Poland were bitter-sweet.  It was wonderful to have opportunities to spend time with friends, a few parties and some tears.  I am so thankful to learn that I have made an impact in some lives in Poland and a few friends are asking that I come back very soon.  LOL   The last week was a bit stressful, trying to pack and finish strong.  Lord provided an opportunity to get to know Ellie and her husband better.  They left their home with only clothes.  Thankfully I was able to bless them with many items – that just would not fit and fulfill their needs.  Also able to pass on things to others and know that the Lord will bless them too!  Flights went well and even arrived ½ hour early!  After a long day, there is nothing better than being greeted by family and friends!  Then had a day of rest and on Saturday, I went to help at ODBC for VBS prep…coming around the corner before seeing the church, my heart was racing with excitement!  Then to be greeted by more friends, fellowship and teamwork!  Sunday service was such a blessing to see so many that have been supporting, praying and allowing me to be their hands and feet in Poland!  Please continue to keep the Krzesinski family and others serving at Daily Grind in your prayers for ESL teachers, volunteers, and wisdom as the ministry continues to reach the community for Christ.  Also for the Lewis teens helping with the ministry this week!  J   


Cup of Coffee version…

The blessing of people sharing their hearts with me was huge.  I am very excited about Ellie – she was an English teacher in Belarus and loves crafts!  This is an answer to my prayer, that the Lord would bring someone to help the ministry and I believe Ellie is my answer to prayer!  Praise the Lord!  Even though it was very hard to say “good-bye” to friends, it was exciting to know that I would see family and friends soon!  Rachel even arranged to have a lady from EDG make a special Polish cheesecake for my going away party and I wish I could have brought you a piece – it was so good.  A few of the girls, made me homemade gifts to remember them by!  I am thankful that Ania wore the skirt that she sewed at my apartment.  Some blessings – I appreciate more now than at the moment…when people stopped in to get items that I just could not bring or send home - God provided not only the items for my use earlier, but people to receive the items- just in time!  Looking at an empty apartment and dragging out the luggage...and then good-byes, check-in, security and boarded the plane.  It is great to be greeted by family and friends when I returned home.  The funniest thing so far, was when someone said “Hi, Marie… MARIE!” and then got a big hug!  We laughed so hard.   Some even sent their kids to track me down on Sunday morning after service.  LOL   Also the signs all over church – someone knew all the places I go.  Thanks so much to ODBC, Charity, family and friends – for your support, prayers, love and encouragement that made an impact for Christ in Poland!  Also thankful to Robert and Rachel for allowing me to be a part of Daily Grind and to help launch the ministry in Poland!  God is so good – All the time! I know that God will continue His work and great, amazing things through Daily Grind!  Thanks again for all your prayers and support!  Please continue to pray for me as I seek the Lord for where He will lead me next! J

 “The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands.”        Psalm 138:8



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