Tuesday, June 25, 2013

End of June and getting ready to return home…

I am so thankful to have been blessed to spend time with some fellow Christians and friends that I have made.  Please continue to pray for my friend, Heidi, as she is having a difficult pregnancy, raising a family and doing all she can as a missionary.  She has 2 beautiful kids who love doing crafts with me and I love that they think I am their age!  God is so awesome to give me the gift of helps and being able to help a friend in need blesses me more than the person I hope to bless.  My Mom has given me an ample supply of taco seasoning and I was able to bless the family with some- so they can make a giant taco – an easy meal.  Also have been able to get to know a few young ladies more and encourage them.  It has been great to have these young ladies take me to places that I wanted to see before leaving Poland.  Powsin – has a large botanical garden, even though it was raining, it was neat time of fellowship!  Wilanow – which is said to be the Versialles of Poland – the gardens were beautiful and walking through the park…they even had a China tea house and Roman bridge – how international!  This past week, I was able to go by train to Bremen and meet up with my Dad and brother – (American) Father’s Day – my Dad got the gift of getting to see ME!  LOL  Then we spend a few days with relatives – so awesome to see them again before going home.  My Dad and Karl brought me back to Warsaw – to help me pack.  We ended up getting a new suitcase and I am so thankful that they are able to bring a lot of my things home for me!  Please pray for me as I finish packing, say my “good-byes” and new beginning to where the Lord will lead me next!  Please continue to keep Robert, Rachel, the kids and others serving at Daily Grind in your prayers for ESL teachers, volunteers, and wisdom as the ministry continues to reach the community for Christ.  J   


Cup of Coffee version…

I will be able to share more when in person.  The different places I have been blessed to see and people that I have met.  Please continue to pray for the people here in Poland.  Many are Catholics and many cling to tradition – not gain knowledge of the personal relationship with Christ is what they are truly seeking.  Robert and Rachel are doing a great job of reaching out to others and continuing to be in prayer that more will come through the doors of Daily Grind…  God has blessed, as the weather has gotten nicer, more people are stopping in to see what we are all about!  They have multiple English discussion groups, activities for kids, Ladies book club and bi-weekly Bible studies.  The challenge now is to bring helpers and I know as we all continue to pray, God will provide!  This is a bitter-sweet time for me…my heart breaks for the people here in Poland as many do not know God as their Savior and seem to be so content with their day to day living without God, also for the friends that I have made and will be leaving behind…but the sweet part is that I am able to come home and see my family, church and friends!  I know that the Lord has worked in and through me and can’t wait to share with you.  Looking forward to the hugs and smiling faces – a time of renewal and rolling up my sleeves to serve as the Lord leads.  Please pray for the finishing strong, wrapping up loose ends and prepare for what the Lord has before me…  God is so good – All the time! Thanks again for all your prayers and support!  J

 “Teach me Your way, Lord, that I may rely on Your faithfulness, give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name.”        Psalm 86:11 



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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ania helping with flower craft

baby wrap instruction

Karen helping with flower

More crafts...

craft and English lesson

more wrap instruction for new Moms

ODBC quilt to Mom-to-be and all smiles!

June and the cottonwood is flying…

Mother’s Day in Poland was on May 26th and we were blessed to do an outreach event at the hospital that the blankets ODBC ladies made.  We were able to set up in the courtyard of the hospital – an area for the kids to play, make crafts, face paint and learn English.  There were about 15 volunteers and I am grateful for the ladies that helped me with the crafts.  The kids had a hard time understanding my Polish, so these ladies stepped in and made things flow wonderfully.  There were about 50 kids and God blessed us with nice weather – the rain held off till the event was over!  Lord willing some of the people will come check out Daily Grind and get involved in the English Discussion Groups, kid’s English or possibly the Bible Study.  The staff was impressed and Lord willing this will lead to more opportunities for outreaches.                Here is another update… I am leaving Poland and returning home to Rochester on July 4th.  Although my intention was to stay two years until May 2014, after tons of prayer the Lord has definitely directed me come home. I know that the Lord led me to Poland to help Robert & Rachel start begin their wonderful ministry.  I am equally convinced that my time is done here, as the Lord has given me confidence to return home – for the next step He has for me, ministry wise. Pastor Bill is in full support of my decision and this has given me great peace that this is what the Lord wants me to do.  I am thrilled that the Lord will use me in Rochester and am excited to see His will and way accomplished in and through me.  This has been a wonderful training ground for me (here in Poland) and I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.  I am so thankful to you all, your support, your prayers and all that you have done.  I appreciate it more than words can express.  This has been a difficult decision, even though I know this is what the Lord wants for me… I covet your prayers during this transition period.

Please continue to keep Robert, Rachel, the kids and others serving at Daily Grind in your prayers for ESL teachers, volunteers, and wisdom as the ministry continues to reach the community for Christ.  J   


Cup of Coffee version…

To share a little more about the Mother’s Day event – it was called a picnic.  Not like we have in America – tons of food, family and friends.  It was an event for new Moms or new Moms-to-be.  The hospital had stations set up for the ladies to be informed about different things and our area was set up to entertain the kids.  Rachel had some friends come that showed the ladies how to make a wrap to carry your baby or small child.  That corner was busy with ladies wrapping material all criss-cross their bodies…some even used the dolls or their own little ones.  There was a boy interviewed on TV, so there may have been some free publicity too!  A friend has asked for a Polish Bible, so she can read it on a regular basis and will be getting it this week.  My teacher is hopeful that visa approval will no longer be needed in the near future to visit America, so she can come and see Niagara Falls in person!  I went to the park today – in hopes of catching the Chopin concert, but missed the first performance and second one was 2 hours later, so I walked for about an hour in the park, before the cottonwood made my nose itch.  So I made it home in time to catch ODBC service!  God is so good – All the time! Thanks again for all your prayers and support!  J

 “I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart, I will tell of all Your marvelous works.”       Psalm 9:1 



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