Saturday, May 18, 2013

They arrived!

ugly bird

craft time


Old Town - this one is for you SARAH!  :)

Kim and Sarah’s visit…

It was so great to have friends from home come to see and hang out with me.  I know they made a lot of sacrifices to come and I don’t take that lightly.  It was a few rough days of getting through jet lag and being able to eat some food that looked a bit different.  We had coffee/cream and pistachio ice cream… Thankfully we walked enough, to be able to enjoy a bowl.  They were troopers, as they helped me do crafts with the kids and Sarah was Layla’s friend.  Rachel started the Ladies book club – they are reading “Life without Limits” in Polish & having opportunities to share about Christ and will be meeting once a month.  Robert started the Polish Bible Study on Fridays – biweekly and we had dozen kids for crafts on Saturday - few new faces.  All the new activities are helping us to grow the ministry here and more opportunities to share Christ.  Needless to say, I kept Kim and Sarah pretty busy.  We had very nice weather, that was a huge blessing.  On Sunday we were able to squeeze in a visit to the Zoo, Monday – trip to Old Town and a few other places.  We were all blessed by their visit and the kids miss them.  It has been like summer weather here and I would be totally OK if the temperature returned to the 70’s with a breeze…but sunshine is so much better than the gray skies we had before.  Well, back to the studies and getting crafts prepped for future events!  Thanks again for allowing Kim and Sarah to come and be a blessing!  J   


Cup of Coffee version…

After trying to getting to the airport, camera in hand and eagerly waiting to see Kim and Sarah come through the arrival doors…all of a sudden I hear someone behind me say – are you looking for us?  Go figure, I was talking to Robert and missed Kim & Sarah coming through the doors and they were standing behind me!  Robert parked close, so we got in the car and were on our way in no time.  After settling in a bit, we went to the Crepes restaurant nearby, but that was probably not the best choice…when people have been traveling.  Thankfully we were able to get to-go containers and had a quick meal on another day.  The time adjustment was a bit rough on the girls, but they were troopers and came with me each night for the lesson/craft time with kids.  Layla and Sarah were buddies.  All the kids were excited to go to the zoo and play in the park together.  Funny how you mention ice cream and playing in the park…suddenly they have energy.  LOL  It was great to spend time with Kim and Sarah…see Old Town and meet some interesting people.   Found a neat gift shop…it did not look like much for the store front, but you walk inside – things from ceiling to floor…you name it – they had it.  Sarah tried Smerf ice cream…it was definitely blue…you will have to ask her what it tasted like.  It was hard to see them go, but I know they were eager to go home – see family and share with others their experience in Poland.  Note to crafters – string art projects are not ideal for young kids…always better to opt for pony bead projects instead.   I found a great idea online for preschool kids – paper octopus with pipe cleaner legs – add a few pony beads and a silly face…kids are happy and so am I!  Older kids made little lizards… Thanks again for all your prayers and support!  J

 “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”       Proverbs 18:24 



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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

hospital blankets were donated to

sight on way to IKO (school)

at hospital with directors

Saturday craft

Ania and me

May is here…

The past few weeks has gone by quickly.  We were able to deliver the blankets to the hospital and the people were so excited.  They could not get over the bright colors and beautiful work by the people of ODBC!  It was like Christmas and they could not wait to go through the boxes and look at each one.  Thanks again for all your help and support.  I have been continuing to meet with Eva and have been blessed by being invited to her home.  God has allowed me to have opportunities to fellowship with other ladies, in creative ways.   One called wanting to have some adult fellowship while her husband was in Greece for work, another helped clean and prepare for her son’s birthday party, and another to get to know her better before she heads off to Thailand. On Saturday, we had kids English and craft time with 9 kids.  We made keychain holders or decorations for backpacks…whichever way you want to look at it.  The kids had fun and enjoy learning English through play with Rachel.  This week we have 2 holidays, May 1 is Labor Day and May 3rd is Constitution Day (like our 4th of July).  So many people go away on vacation and this allows for me to meet up with others and them not to come to me.  Iwona and I continue to work at Polish conversation.  I am thankful for some extra time of prayer and for getting things ready for Kim and Sarah.  So excited about them coming to visit and helping me see Warsaw again through new eyes!  J

 Cup of Coffee version…

There are little things that have been exciting for me – like being able to find new places or take different stops off the metro or bus route.  Also has been neat going on different bus routes, to see how some areas are so different than others.  To help you visualize a little – think of driving in Brockport, then Greece and then over to Pittsford.  It has been fun getting to know people and getting to meet for coffee or go to their home and help them out.  One friend is 5 months pregnant with her 3rd child and not as active as she is used to being…so being able to help her clean a little and help her feel better about the way her home looks – means a lot.  Also was able to bless a family with a meal and that was really neat too!  Good thing I like coffee – I am meeting some friends for coffee or cooking at my apartment.  There was an opportunity to share about our ministry and I was asked when we will open a second location and if it will be north of Warsaw.  Other friends have been so encouraging and wanting to share where I should take Kim and Sarah.  They are also excited about meeting them.    So I have a few more things to get in place and ready for a few weeks of fellowship at my place.  Thanks again for all your prayers and support!  J

 “For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.”       Romans 14:18