Wednesday, April 17, 2013


thinking spring...

kid's handy work

sneak peek at Saturdays project - 4/20

girls hard at work

finished craft!  :)

Spring…I think it may be here…

It is great to say that the weather is finally cooperating and we are getting more sunshine, snow has finally melted, crews are out raking and sweeping, flowers are peeking through and we even had a rainbow this weekend!  Things are going well at the Daily Grind.  More people are starting to stop in and check us out.  The past few weeks, we have even had Dads bring their little ones to play and enjoy having a snack.  The past few Saturdays, there have been almost a dozen kids participating in the crafts.  Thankfully we will be starting two sessions soon, that way we can do a little more one-on-one help for the little ones and let the bigger ones do more on their own.  This past Saturday, I was very encouraged, one of the older boys actually wanted to make the craft – CD fish!  This Saturday, we will be making candy bar clowns…so if you want to come, you better hurry!  LOL  Please join us in prayer that our Tuesday and Thursday evening groups grow like the Saturday craft time.  Since the weather has gotten more pleasant, there are more people out and about, so they may stop in more often.   Sometimes in the afternoon, I sit behind my computer and pray for the cars and people going by…that God will burden their hearts to come to know Him and that He would allow us to be a part of that.  The meetings with Ewa (pronounced Eva) are going well.  She brightens my day and thanks me for helping her with her English – yet God is the one working to draw her closer to Him.  Continuing to work on my Polish and so thankful for my teacher’s patience.  God has also allowed me opportunities to do things with Anna, if she opts out of coming for cooking in Polish nights.  Activities are growing as summer is drawing near…next week, Lord willing – we will deliver the baby blankets to the hospital, Kim and Sarah are coming to visit me, then Debbie is going to visit the Krzesinski family and in July there are a group of teens coming (possibly 18 people).  Please continue to pray for our ministry here, opportunities for God to use us, and wisdom & strength as we prepare for events in the near future!  J

Cup of Coffee version…

There is not a ton to expand on, but here are some fun facts that I have learned while I have been here.   A Polish woman explained to an American woman that Americans are like peaches – warm and friendly to anyone they meet, but only have a close knit group of people that really know them (or are invited into the pit).  She went on to say that Polish people are more like walnuts, you have to get past the tough exterior and then you will be welcomed into their inner circle and see their softer and friendly side.  Another thing I learned is about brown eggs.  They always need to be washed, rarely the same shape, and to access the most nutrients, leave them out at room temperature, especially if you bought them at the Bazarek.  Also a side note, it is best to wash the egg, crack it in a separate bowl before adding to your dough or pain…need I say more.  LOL  I am so thankful that God has brought some special ladies into my life, I am able to help them with their English or teach them the differences between Catholic and Baptist beliefs – not only at the Daily Grind, but in my Polish classes.   My teacher and I have grown closer and she has shared some personal things with me.  We have not only had great conversations (half in English) and to share Christ’s love with her.  She often teaches nuns that come to learn Polish and study here, so my faith is giving her some food for thought.  Also giving her some baked goods.  LOL  Please continue to keep all these ladies in prayer, as they seek God and grow in their faith.  Not only am I excited about people coming to visit, but there may be an opportunity for Joy and I to see each other in July!   Thanks again for all your prayers and support!  J

 “You who laid the foundations of the earth, so that it should not be moved forever.’”       Psalm 104:5 



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Monday, April 1, 2013

photos from Palm Sunday to April Fool's day

kid's colorful paper palms

Old Town looking more like a ghost town

blessing of the baskets

Easter Sunday

April Fool's Day

Polish Easter celebration…

This is a different spin on the blog this time…I will share what I have learned about the Polish Easter tradition.  On Palm Sunday – they make bouquets of pussy willows, some with holly branches and/or dried arrangements.  The kids made colorful paper palms this week (picture will be posted).  They have parades (no big bands – just people in procession) celebrating the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  They carry their palms and banners.

Holy Saturday (day before Easter) – decorated baskets are taken to churches to be blessed.  Here are items that are in their traditional baskets are hard boiled eggs, ham, sausage, salt, horseradish, fruit, bread, cake, Easter lamb (molded out of butter or sugar) and colorful pisanke (traditionally colored eggs).  Many of the items have a specific meaning: eggs – symbolize life and Christ’s resurrection, bread – symbolizes Jesus, lamb – represents Christ, salt – represents purification, horseradish – symbolic of bitter sacrifice of Christ, and ham – symbolizes great joy and abundance.  Blessed food is untouched till Sunday morning.

Sunday –Easter – there is a sharing of the eggs with the family for good health and happiness for the rest of the year.  Many families have recipes that have been added down from one generation to another – where hard boiled eggs are prepared and fried in a special way.  Easter soup is Zurek or white barscz – traditional Polish soup served with hard boiled eggs and kielbasa.  White tablecloth on the table represents white swaddling cloth of Our Lord.  Polish women do not cook or work on Easter Sunday – it is a time with family to have a spirit of joy and good will. 

Wet Monday – kind of appropriate this year that it is April fool’s day – people sprinkle water on each other.  It brings good luck all year through…apparently the tradition started by guys sprinkling water on the girls they wanted to marry. 

Ironically this year, we had more snow on Easter than at Christmas…so Merry Christmas everyone!  I was blessed to be able to go to the Krzesinskis new home and had dinner with them.  Then hurried home through the snow to be able to Skype with my family!  I am so blessed!

Cup of Coffee version…

Sorry no cup of coffee version… Have a wonderful day!  J

 “But he said to them, ‘Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.  He is risen! He is not here.  See the place where they laid Him.’”       Mark 16:6 



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