Thanksgiving update…
Yesterday, we got to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner at the Krzesinski’s home. Robert and Rachel (R&R) prepared a feast and the rest of us brought a little something to it. Joy and Anna came and some of R&R’s neighbors. After sharing what we are thankful for and prayer, we enjoyed a good meal and conversation! I got home late, so it is a good thing class is later today, it gave me time to finish my homework! LOL Sorry – you are probably tired of hearing updates on my Polish classes. Here is a fun fact: most missionaries go to their mission country and just study the language for 2 years! I am blessed to study AND work in the mission field already! Last Sunday as I walked to church, I passed by a circus tent. We talked about going to the circus this week, but it must have just come in town for the weekend and I missed it! Ugh! Oh well, it was not meant to be. The weather has been cold and we are always excited to see the sun. I thought it did not shine much in Rochester… LOL As the pictures show, there has been some progress in the “new church” and Lord willing we will start painting very soon. We are praying that we will be somewhat ready to open the doors on December 8th. Please join us in prayer for this…we hope to start off with a family activity and then start holding English Discussion Groups more often. As the Lord allows, we will expand the ministry for Bible studies and so forth. There will be a brink in honor of “ODBC” and “Charity BC” – added to our wall of faith in the near future! I am so thankful for the love and support that I receive from home…this was a little token of my appreciation. For without you, I would not be here and able to be a part of the church plant that is needed and wanted by the community.
Cup of Coffee version…
There really is not a lot more to say. Please keep us in prayer, as we are far away from family and friends. God has allowed me to meet a number of people through ministry and through my Polish classes. Please keep these people in prayer, many do not even attend church and my heart breaks that they do not even know Christ. Even though I miss being able to jump in a car and get my errands done within a short time, the walks to the store or rides on public transportation – allows me to pray for others. When you see the number of apartment complexes here (and several are still being built)…the number of people that just go through their daily routine and not have a lot of hope for the future… I am thankful for all the Lord has blessed me with and knowing in my heart that I have a hope. As the doors open to our new church, we pray that the Lord continues to bring people in our lives to encourage and give that same hope to. Thanks again for your prayers, encouragement and support – YOU are making a difference in Poland!
“It is good to give thanks to the Lord, And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High.” Psalm 92:1