Time with family…
My parents and brother, Karl, drove from Germany to Warsaw and arrived on Friday 9/14. It was fun to take them to Old Town and Centrum – and allowed them to experience public transportation. They also got to meet the Krzesinski family and had a chance to play with the kids. Then we were off to see where my parents grew up – Dad was north of Warsaw and Mom was north of Berlin, also got to visit family in Berlin and Delmenhorst (outside of Bremen). We also met a few of their friends/acquaintances along the way. The week and half went by so quickly, but it was good to be with family and to speak not only English, but German. Karl learned a few Polish words and had some good laughs. It is funny what happens when you live somewhere for a while…you begin to have some pride for the country. This became more evident when I was on the last leg of the train ride home (Berlin to Warsaw). I met Cornelia and her dachshund, Lara, she is currently studying in Dusseldorf, but was coming to Warsaw to see family & friends before picking up her car in Gdansk. Her parents live half the year in Poland and the other half in the states. She loves the states and thinks I am crazy for coming here for 2 years. My saving grace is that she loves Warsaw and thinks it is one of the best places in Poland. Today, I picked up my paperwork on my visa and have been approved to stay till May 31, 2014!!! I really needed the great news to offset the emotional low that hit today. Thankfully there is a ton of cleaning and laundry to keep me busy too! :0) Now that we have the new location – I am looking forward to what the Lord will do! Thanks so much for the prayers. My parents and Karl fly from Amsterdam to Toronto on Saturday…hopefully Rolf will be there to greet them when they arrive home. God is so good! :0)
You and a friend go on public transportation – talk to at least one person and see how much information they will share. When you do – please e-mail or share with a friend what you learned through this experience! I hope you will be amazed as much as I have been in the past few months! :0)
Cup of Coffee version…
Family arrived on Friday afternoon, after a short trip around Warsaw by car. Then we were off to REAL (it has become an important stop on the first day for all). Also got a chance to point out our new location! My parents were impressed how nice my apartment is – guess pictures do not capture how big it is. (So you will just have to come and see it in person). LOL After seeing some of the sights here, Karl drove us up to Dad’s hometown – about 4 hours north of here. The garage is the only thing left of his former home, we found my great-grandfather’s stone leaning and still legible and a few other sights. Then we returned here for laundry and sun tanning – it was on the itinerary and Warsaw had sunshine! Then we were off to Berlin to see family and had a chance to sightsee a little. Then to Mom’s hometown…it is a small town north of Berlin. She used to live on a large farm and it is amazing how much has changed in the past few years. Then we got to spend some time with a friend of the family and did a few day trips. Then off to visit more family in Delmenhorst. We got to go shopping and then to a neat museum that showed immigrants boarding boats in Bremehaven to go to the states. Some had documents, pictures and even people sharing their stories…there were rooms to see how each class made the journey over. Then it was time for the hardest part of the trip...good-byes. Ugh! The train ride was from Bremen to Warsaw…with 2 stops that I had to change trains – Hamburg and Berlin…with just enough time to find train and cart that I had reserved. The train from Berlin to Warsaw was the longest and I met Cornelia and her dog, Lara. It still surprises me to see so many dogs on public transportation. We had a good conversation – it started in German (but it is her third language) – so most of the conversation was in English. It was neat to hear her opinions on life…she shared how in the states people think more in color (that all things are possible) and here it is more black/white (fewer options – usually depends on income). In an odd way – it really makes sense. She has also had more advantages than many of the people I have met here. Young adults do travel in Europe, but it is a big deal if you have been in the states. Needless to say, it was an interesting conversation and it made the time go faster. The time with family was a huge blessing and in some little ways, I can relate more to my parents and challenges they faced in moving from their homes. It is good to be home and having time to get things back to “normal.” Looking forward to seeing how the Lord will provide with this new location and the doors that are open for ministry opportunities ahead!
A verse that was laid on my heart to share…
“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” 1 John 3:16