Sunday, July 22, 2012

L'viv and Poland's countryside

Sorry a few are out of order - this is in Poland between border & Krakow

more of Poland's countryside

On way to Krakow

near Krakow

last picture from countryside of Poland

Middle - statue of Kind Daniel in L'viv

L'viv near statue of King Daniel

Church downtown

street in L'viv

man posing as chess player for money & photos

more of L'viv...sorry I was busy talking and did not write down street names...

Main theater in L'viv - on Sundays this park is full of activity

bazaar in L'viv - the place to get souveniors and more

kids playing soccer in the courtyard

rainbow after a short & heavy rain

Denise - missionary in Ukraine from First Bible

view from the top bunk of schlafwagen

the ladder I climbed to get to my bunk

next set of pictures are all from Ukraine border to Krakow

gardens that are rented & maintained by apartment owners

cemetary with chapel nearby

another church along the way

My trip to Ukraine…
Wednesday was started with my Polish class and then packing, nap and off to the train station.  I took the fast train from Warsaw to Krakow.  It was a blessing to have the train station attached to a mall.  This way, I had a chance to walk around a bit and grab something to eat.  Then there was the wait for the next train…it was 2 hours late.  Thankfully the train was a sleeper.  I got the middle bunk, Miriam from Holland was below me and Jolia & Maria (mother and daughter were above me).  Thankfully Miriam told me that they would be asking for documents at the border, then 4:15 AM, train came to a sudden halt, bang on the door, and documents were requested.  Thankfully the passport was stamped, then on to the next stop… another wake-up call and passports handed off again…this time for longer and train started moving.  Then realized the controllers were still on the train, we got our passports back and they left the train.   Early Thursday morning, train arrived in L’viv, Ukraine – stepping off train, felt like a step back in time…  Denise met me and we were off.  It was great to fellowship with a sister in Christ, who has faced many of the similar trials and truly gets it!   I was thankful for all the knowledge she shared with me and a chance to see L’viv.  Left early Friday morning, I hopped on a sleeper train to Krakow.  After the passport checks and getting the stamps I needed, we had to wait around for tire change (that took about an hour).  I climbed down from my bunk and offered Katarzyna some granola bars…she proceeded to give me food in return.  Thankfully I made it on time, to catch my next train back to Warsaw.  I was very thankful to be home and praised God for all that He showed me on this venture.

Coffee cup version…
Wednesday, my Polish class went well.  I am actually retaining more than I thought.  Then it was time to pack, take a nap, try to find Dr. Pepper (a can was all Denise requested – and I could not find it) and off to the train station.  I took the fast train from Warsaw to Krakow - that was about 3.5 hours.  It was a blessing to have the train station attached to a mall in Krakow.  This way, I had a chance to walk around a bit, hunt for Dr. Pepper (again no luck) and grab something to eat.  Then there was the wait for the next train…  Besides speaking in Polish, the announcer had the microphone too close to her mouth.   So I was able to make out my train number and pretty much watched the reaction from the crowd to determine if this meant there was a delay or train was not coming at all.  At one point, I made out that the train was 100 minutes away… so needless to say – it was a long wait (about 2 hours).  I am so grateful to Beth for giving me “Case for Christ” to read…I got almost halfway by the time the train finally arrived.  Schlafwagen #35 (sleeper train)came  and they did separate guys from girls.  There were 3 beds – I got the middle on, Miriam from Holland was below me and Jolie & Maria (mother and daughter were above me).  Thankfully Miriam game me the heads up about the early wake-up call, because he had traveled by train before.  Then 4:15 AM, train came to a sudden halt, bang on the door, and documents were requested.  Thankfully the passport was stamped and she only asked me where I was going (think it was because I was the only American this time, but thankful that is all she asked), then on to the next stop, the doors flew open again and passports handed off again…this time for longer period of time and the train started moving.  Then I realized the controllers were still on the train, you have soldiers walking back and forth, looking in the rooms…nothing like being wide awake as your heart is racing!  Oh the hissing sound of short bursts of steam did not help any either.  Then we finally got our stamped passports back and they got off the train.  We got a little more sleep, then received coffee & croissant filled with nutella – yummy breakfast.  Arrived in L’viv, Ukraine – stepping off train, felt like a step back in time…  Denise met me on the platform and then we shuffled through the crowd to a bus.  It was great to fellowship with a sister in Christ, who understands the challenges of moving to another country, learning the language & culture,  and the challenges of being a single woman.   I was thankful for all the knowledge she shared with me and a chance to see L’viv.  I got to see the soccer stadium from a distance, but seeing the differences of one country to another.   It makes me appreciate my mission field more … it was a very humbling trip. Early Friday morning, I said good-bye to a sister in the Lord and hopped on another sleeper train, this time I really did not feel like sleeping, but my bunk was the top one.  So I climbed up and got as comfortable as I could to read.  After the passport checks and getting the stamps I needed, then I climbed down from my bunk.  We had to wait around for tire change (that took about an hour).  I offered Katarzyna some granola bars…she proceeded to feed me a whole meal…cucumber, hard-boiled egg, cheese and tomato.   I only had the granola bars to offer.  We had a chance to talk a little – she is a retired teacher, her son studies in Ohio and only knows a little more Polish than English.  It was fun talking with her – even if we had to throw in hands and feet.  LOL  Then once the train started up again – she took a nap and Ola (the other Ukrainian woman in cabin) too.   So I read – actually finished the book, started working on “Polish in 4 weeks” and looked out the window as much as I could.  Katarzyna asked what book I was reading and when I showed her “Polish in 4 weeks” – she and Ola laughed.  I said that I did not expect to learn it in 4 weeks, but using it to help me with my weekly studies.  Thankfully the train made it on time to Krakow, so I was able to catch my next train back to Warsaw.  Katarzyna said “good-bye” to me out of the window and waved.  It was like I made a friend that I may not ever see again – all over offering a granola bar.   I was very thankful to be home and praised God for all that He showed me on this venture.  Also thankful for Denise sharing her heart, putting up with a ton of questions and her hospitality!  It is neat to see the Lord’s hand continues to work in my life – bringing 2 people together after over 15 years.  God is good, all the time!   Now this week to get the visa paperwork completed and filed.  Lord willing, everything will go smoothly and I will be given permission to stay longer in Poland.  Thanks so much for all those who were praying for me – I am so thankful that I am not on this journey alone!

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called to His purpose.”               Romans 8:28

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

photos from R.C. week

train station and Centrum mall

another view from Palace of Culture & Science

this view has stadium in the center

other view from top of Palace

group in front of Multikino

Jamie and Cody asking Rafaw questions from survey

game night at the Klub 29

We are spelling out WARSAW in front of National Stadium

beautiful ladies outside the Nun's garden

Evie going in to get a Ferrari

2 of the groups at Kopernik (Copernicus) statue

After a treat at E. Wedel chocolate factory

ladies at game night

River Cities team comes to help minister….
The team of 14 people from River Cities (R.C.) – WV came in last Monday evening!  Krzesinski family and I were there to greet them and take them to a hostel in Ursynow.  It was nice to meet everyone, have dinner and then I took a group to REAL.  The next day, we geared up for what I call the Scavenger Hunt – Metro.  This is the one I put together and the directions were actually pretty good!  This was to help the R.C. team to get familiar with the area that we are trying to reach.  Wednesday, Robert taught a class on Cultural Awareness before we went out to hand out flyers for the English Boot Camp – 3 day event of games, relationship building and fun.  Thursday, we headed to Old Town to do surveys and give the team opportunities to talk with people on the street and find out their hopes, goals and if they believe in God.  That evening we did have 8 people come to our game night!  It is exciting because a lot of people go away for the summer.  Friday, we gave the team some “free-time” to really check out Old Town and shop.  Then in the evening, we had our city Scavenger Hunt…we had a ton of fun racing through the city to find places, do some silly things and the reward at the end was at E. Wedel – CHOCOLATE!  Yum!!!   Saturday, we went to the Warsaw Uprising Museum – it helped all to see some history of Poland and the trials of the Polish people.  Then the final English Boot Camp night – we had a few new faces and we had a big game of Apples to Apples, tossing Frisbee and fellowship…not to forget PIZZA and POP!   Sunday to Monday, team went with the Krzesinski family to Krakow, while I spend most of the day in prayer and studying Polish.  Monday – I was back to taking Polish class with Jola and this time it is one-on-one and she will take it my pace.  We were both surprised how much I remembered and it was very encouraging.  In the evening, I went to say good-bye to the R.C. team as they were flying out early Tuesday.  Time got away from me and we kind of had a slumber party, since many stayed up to finish packing and fellowshipping.  We got to give them big hugs at the airport and return home to get some sleep!

Coffee cup version…this may be a 2 cupper….
On last Monday, most of the day was spent in prayer and getting last minute things in place before River Cities (R.C.) team arrived.  Then we packed in the car and went to meet them at the airport!  After arriving at the Hostel, we allowed them to get settled a bit, had dinner and fellowship, some wanted to go to REAL to get some things – like fans and converters, so I took them there  – then we were all off to get some sleep.  Tuesday, we prayed, Rachel went over the Scavenger Hunt with R.C.,  as I caught my breath – one of the mornings that I felt like I was just chasing after buses….then we were off to start the Scavenger Hunt – Metro.  We all started in Centrum – had a chance to go to train station, photo by Hard Rock guitar and then up to 30th floor of the Palace of Culture & Science.  Thankfully the Lord blessed us with a beautiful day!  Then some groups went different directions – my group arrived last for lunch – I was a bit more eager to show them around than to think about how hungry they might be.  Then we finished going to the other stops, got a great deal on raspberries – they fit on the tip of your thumb and were 4,50 PLN (about $1.50 for a quart)!  They were yummy and shared at the bus stop at the end.  That is where we met up with all the teams and headed back for a great dinner at the Hostel.  The caterer is nearby and delivered the meals fresh out of the oven (or pots/pans)!  After prayer and sharing of the days events – some headed to REAL, while most went to get some sleep.  Wednesday, we were off to a rough start – Robert had printer issues, I had to stop at REAL for lunch supplies and thankfully the R.C. team were singing worship music and sharing testimonies when I arrived.  That was really great and helped calm my anxious heart.  Robert taught on Cultural Awareness and then we headed to Centrum to hand out flyers.  Unfortunately Eli got a bug and Robert was not feeling well, so they rested at home – while Rachel and I took the team to Centrum.  Some people had the opportunity to have some good conversations and many flyers were distributed.  After another great meal at the Hostel, answers were shared about cultural awareness, prayer and then off to rest up.  Thursday, we headed to Old Town after prayer, to do surveys – asking questions from what are their goals in life to do you believe in God.  We got a lot of similar answers to what our group experienced last year and many team members said that they appreciated having the opportunity to find out for themselves.  More flyers were handed out before heading to Klub 29 for game night – first night of English Boot Camp!  We were thankful that 8 people came, because summer is a hard time to get people to attend events, even if they are free.  It was great to see the R.C. team jump in and play various games from ice breakers to board games and some games they came up with on their own!  People were engaged and those who were not playing a game – were in prayer.   Then we went back to Hostel for dinner, shared about surveys and made a change to itinerary based on forecast of rain on Saturday – moved “freetime” to Friday.  So after prayer and preparing for events of the day, I took the group to Old Town for an opportunity to take in the sights, shop or hang out with friends.  I did some church hopping – don’t tell Robert!  No – I went into a few churches to see the stain glass windows, statues, plaques and so forth.  Also got to enjoy an ice cream cone…before being treated to lunch by Bob & Ellen!  I got to sample the best chocolate cake I have had since coming to Poland…probably put on a few pounds too.  LOL  Then I took one group to Metro to meet up with Rachel and go Polish pottery shopping, then got the rest of the team together and we headed out to the Klub 29.  Where Robert met up with us and thankfully was starting to feel a little better.   Polish people tend to run a little late, so instead of heading out on the scavenger hunt at 4 PM, we started at 5.  We were able to divide into 3 teams, I got the girls, Robert had the young guys and Bob & Ellen headed up the mixed team.  The competitive spirit within me kicked in and I was ready to GO!   At the tram – a guy shouted “Are you crazy?” I relied “Yes I am!”  He did not know what to make of it – just shook his head and walked the other way.   I admit playing chicken was not the smartest thing I had done…but it is in the past now.   We were the first group to the National Stadium and were able to get up by the statue & have our picture taken…before the gates closed.  Even though it was not a race, it was fun getting to know the girls and being able to sit at the end and enjoy dark hot chocolate!   It was a late evening – dinner around 9 PM and then home for some rest.   A few guys that came, asked if we would do this event again…so we are praying about doing another scavenger hunt in the fall.  Lord willing!   Saturday, we went with the team to Warsaw Uprising Museum.  I am very thankful to have gone to see some history and get a better understanding of the way things are here.   There was a neat film – 3D showing what the city look like after WWII and all the destruction…to see it today, you would not know.   Due to the forecast of 40% chance of rain - we decided it was best not to do Capture the Flag in Pole Mokotowskie park and stay back at Klub 29 for another game night, pizza and fellowship.   It was good – people hung out for a while after games were done.  Mason had a chance to share his testimony with a few girls and Evie handed out a New Testament.   Then I took the Metro home, while they went via bus back to the Hostel.  Sunday morning, the Krzesinskis went with the team to Krakow, while I had a chance to rest, cry, pray, listen to a few messages from Pastor Tom, talk with Pastor Bill & later my parents and prepare for Polish class on Monday.   On Monday, I was thrilled that Jola will be my teacher and it will be a one-on-one course.  So we are really going to work at getting a good foundation and striving forward with my Polish studies.   I took some time to research trains going to Ukraine and gearing up for that trip.  My 90 days are almost up and I was not able file for visa melding in time, so to legally stay in Poland, I need to leave and re-enter.  Due to many European countries no longer stamping passports, I need to go somewhere that they do.  It is also blessing that Denise, (from First Bible) is a missionary in Ukraine, has invited me to come visit her.  It will be great to see her again and gain some knowledge.  Back to R.C. team – they got back late Monday night to hostel, so they talked me into staying while they packed…most did not sleep because they needed to leave at 3:30 AM to get to the airport.  It was really nice to have that time of fellowship and to be able to say good-bye.  Praying that they have a safe journey home, appreciate the sacrifices they made to come, times of fellowship and help with our ministry.
This is the parable that I think of whenever we go to distribute flyers….
“Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow.  And it happened, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds of the air came and devoured it.  Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much earth; and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth off earth.  But when the sun was up it was scorched, and because it had no root it withered away.  And some seed fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no crop.  But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty and some a hundred.”   Mark 4:3-8

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

pictures of friends and Praga

Jola and Lara

Jola and me

Praga musicians

Police station...just randome and thought it neat that they have 2 emergency #s

Sign says...Making history together

Old Town in the evening
Classes done – finalize plans for River Cities visit…
Thanks so much for your prayers – I have completed the intensive Polish classes!  Now to gain a little confidence and start speaking…  They even gave us a certificate and I got a “B” on my final.  Lara, Jola and I met on Friday and went back to Praga.  We got to see some of the sites we missed and had an opportunity to share.  Jola, my teacher, really wants me to get rollerblades and join her on the monthly night skates through Warsaw…praying about that one.  On Thursday, I went to Centrum to hear a language I could understand…Germany played Italy in Warsaw…thankful for the chance to feel like I fit in, but disappointed by the result of the game.  Robert, Rachel and I have been working hard at finalizing plans for next week, River Cities has a group of 14 people coming to help reach out to people and build relationships.  There will be flyer distribution to get the word out about the 3 day event, surveys and fun ways to get familiar with Warsaw & Polish culture.  We are planning some fun activities for Polish young adults to be able to practice their English and for to build relationships.  There will be a few game evenings and a scavenger hunt through the city.  Please keep us in prayer next week (7/9-17), to have strength, wisdom and that the Lord brings us people to minister to.   We are eager to share how the Lord is working and growing us and the ministry.

The coffee cup version…
Sorry it has been a while since I have written.  There has been a lot of emotions with taking on more than I can chew with the intensive Polish class.   Knowing what I know now…I should have just done a regular class, where you meet a few times a week and the pace is a little more relaxed.  Even though we covered a lot of material, my brain is not wired for so much information at once and grammar is not my strength.  I am thankful for Jola, my teacher, who has had patience with me as I learn.  Lara has a love for language and grammar, did very well and did not need to apply herself as much.  Thankfully the final exam was a multiple choice.  My brother said that I am getting better at guessing…I corrected him and said it is EDUCATED guessing.  LOL   Now I am actually getting some of the grammar rules, but my vocabulary is lacking and Jola gave me some tips that I will be applying this week.  Lara flew back to Scotland today and Jola and I are going to meet for coffee this week – Lord willing.  Please pray for all my stuff to come together for my Visa.  I may need to make a quick trip out of the country end of this month, but Lord willing that will not be necessary.  Planning my next set of Polish classes to start in a few weeks, so a trip would throw off those plans.  Next week, River Cities has a group coming to help us reach more people than we can on our own.  We are praying for good weather, that the Lord bring us people who are open to hearing about Him, opportunities to build relationships and a good time of fellowship with other believers.  Robert, Rachel and I are finalizing plans this week and trying to get as much together ahead of time – so we do not need to run to the store every day…other than for rolls…Lord willing!  Please keep us in prayer, we would like to launch a Bible Study in August, but do not have a confirmed location at this time.  Through this outreach, we are hoping to move forward in boldness for Him.  Thanks to Kindle (and those who showed me how to use it), I read a book “Life Interrupted” by Priscilla Shirer on the metro rides to and from class.  The book is mostly based on the story of Jonah and she also includes personal interruptions…and the blessings of seeing them through.  I am so thankful that I serve a God who gives more than just second chances!  Thanks so much for those who have been able to shoot me a quick e-mail of encouragement, sent verses and been able to Skype.  I miss you all and thankful for opportunities to share from the heart and bring you on this journey with me!
I have included these verses…because I struggle to hold on to my “gourd” and don’t always see the blessings of the Lord’s provision or how He is using me for His glory….eager to find out the answer someday…
But the Lord said, “You have had pity on the plant for which you have not labored, nor made it grow, which came up in a night and perished in a night. And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left – and much livestock?”                    Jonah 4:10-11