Friday, June 22, 2012

Afternoon in Praga...

Lara in Praga

me in Praga

Praga - area untouched during WW II

Apartment complex built in...

random building - back part used as daycare

another building in Praga

Russian Orthodox church in Praga

The bears in Praga

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Halfway through classes…think my brain is full…
Another week has gone by and most of the time spent learning Polish.  Besides classes, the homework takes me hours…mostly because the words are new vocabulary.  Friday I had hoped to go with Lara to Praga, unfortunately, she did not feel well.  So I went for a walk in the park…pictures were posted the other day.  Then Rachel was able to meet for coffee, so we had some girl time.  Saturday, I went to the Bazarek by myself, the vendor saw me coming and she smiled.  She helped me pronounce my veggies correctly and then I got some strawberries too.  Later in the afternoon, I got to spend some time with Alex and met her boyfriend, Christopher.  Please continue to pray for her and her relationship with Christ.  Today, the Krzesinskis and I went to a church outside of the city.  Robert’s friend, Michal, pastors the young church, about 40 people.  They have this location for less than a year and it was a very kid-friendly service with worship, message, fun for the kids and picnic lunch.  Then went home to do homework, study Polish and watch Eurocup – Go Germany!!!!
The coffee cup version:
This has been a trying week with Polish. The hard part being that I feel like I am behind on understanding and each day we add more.  I know it will come, just very patient.  My teacher must feel like it is almost like fingers on the chalkboard when I read…but she corrects mend assures me that I will get it.  During the week, I spent some time with the Krzesinskis – got to watch the Poland vs. Russia match – ended 1 – 1!  Yeah!  On Wednesday, we had our ministry meeting and working toward starting up Bible study with a small group.  Friday, Lara and I were going to go to Praga – cool place for young adults to go – I just wanted to get to know her.  We only get a few minutes before class starts to talk and then short distance to metro.  She did not feel well, so we had to reschedule.  I went to park in Pole Mokotowskie to clear my head and get some fresh air.  The street my Polish class is being held, is currently under construction…so if we open window – it is too noisy and dirty.  Rachel called and we were able to meet for coffee and grocery shop…as you saw I got my “old lady cart.”  Saturday, I went to Bazarek on my own and bought veggies from the same vendor and she smiled as she corrected my Polish.  Then I bought some strawberries and went home.  Later in the afternoon, I met up with Alex…she brought her boyfriend, Christopher, so I could meet him.  They are a cute couple and he was very supportive of her and telling me that Alex would be a great tutor for me.  Something I am in prayer about…she is a teen with good intentions, but I have a few reservations.  Then made brownies for Sunday and watched Poland vs. Czech.  Bummer – Poland is out.   L  Today, the Krzesinskis and I went to church outside the city.  The pastor is a friend of Robert’s and has grown the church to about 40 in 6 years.  It was really neat to be a part of a young church that has a lot of young families and he gets the kids involved in the service…from singing to writing notes that would later be tied to balloons and released.  They were notes to be sent to God, but you never know who will get a special message in their backyard.   They had a picnic and inflatable slide for the kids.  It was great to see the excitement of a young pastor and his church.  I talked to one lady in Polish and after introducing myself in Polish – she said you are an American.  Even my Polish gives me away.  Then came home to finish homework, study, listen to Josh Todd’s message from Wednesday night and watch Eurocup…Go Germany!  First goal scored in Germany vs. Denmark was by Podolski!  A German-Polish connection - I can relate!!!  LOL  Thanks for the prayers and encouragement!
“Love the Lord, all his faithful people!  The Lord preserves those who are true to Him, but the proud He pays back in full.  Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”           Psalm 31:23-24

Adding notes to balloons

typing notes to balloons continue...

time to release the balloons...Pastor and his daughter

inflatable slide for the kids

building church rents in background, Pastors & family

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fire Station in Ursynow

My old lady cart

My classroom

board is full of words before we leave...

Warsaw Fanzone - before game starts...actually 5 1/2 hrs before

More fans coming...

billboards promoting soccer - all over the place!

they push cars home here too...

view of city from Pole Mokotowskie (2 metro stops outside of city center)

serenity in the park...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Biggest event since coming to Warsaw…and I missed it!  Ugh!!!
Yes, the Eurocup started on Friday and my TV was not working!  To top it off – I was having internet issues…but thankfully both issues have been resolved.  Now I am able to keep up with the Eurocup in the safety of my home.   Polish classes have been intense…I have never been much for grammar.  Even though I know it is important, I just want to talk in Polish and have people get what I am trying to say.   It is probably for the best, that I learn it the right way.  This weekend was spent close to home, studying Polish, preparing for group coming in July and catching up on ODBC services.  Saturday, I was thankful that Alex had time to go with me to the Bazarek and she helped me order my veggies, cherries and eggs…all in Polish!  She gives me an A (think she meant E for effort), but the vendors smiled and understood what I was asking.   Sunday I went to ICF for service, since Krzesinskis had company and some of the kids were not feeling well.  I was very blessed to be able to Skype into the Ladies Sunday School class!  Thanks to the Men’s class moving to the Library!   It was a HUGE blessing to me!  Not only to see the ladies from home, but Terese brought a great message that helped me think more about how to share my faith…once relationships are built.   There was a question about weather – we have been blessed with weather pretty much between 60 – 80 degrees…some rain and some sunshine.   Thankfully we do not get the heat you get at home…I don’t have AC and would have to buy a fan (carry home on the Metro).
The coffee cup version:
After class on Friday, Lara and I went to Centrum information center to pick up some flyers for group coming in July and for Lara to find Praga.  Apparently this is a cool place for young adults to go hang out…  I may go explore that area in a few months, I am not in a hurry to be “cool.”  I will download a few pictures of what Centrum looks like – tons of people coming in to watch the games on large screens…all around the Culture & Science center.  I was bummed that internet and TV was not working – I really wanted to see the first game – Poland vs. Greece played here in Warsaw!  Even though I was not able to see the game – there were tons of people blowing horns, singing and dressed in red & white.  My landlord’s son-in-law, who lives downstairs, came up to check on the internet.  He fumbled with something and then it worked again…go figure!  The TV worked again on Saturday, so I have the games on – you know to learn Polish…OK – I like soccer too!  Late morning, Alex met me and we were off to the Bazarek to get veggies, cherries and eggs.  I made a few Polish people smile – that is a big deal here!  Most walk around with a straight face, so I fit in most of the time.  It was good to spend some time with Alex – please keep her in prayer, she is saved, but not walking with the Lord.  I am praying for God’s wisdom to talk to her about discipleship…Rachel is also talking about starting a Bible study – so this may be the better route.  Then spent time studying Polish, cleaning, laundry and so forth.  Sunday I went to International Christian Fellowship (ICF) for service – it is in English and just wanted some time with fellow believers.  The Krzesinskis had a few kids that were not feeling well and I want to try to stay health…especially with taking these Polish classes.  It was a good message about “Good Works” and good to start brainstorming different ways to reach out to people…who speak another language.  Then stopped at REAL…it has been a while, since I was at a big grocery store.  Just got a few things, because I went home via public transportation and I can only carry so much.  I was so thankful for the opportunity to Skype into the Ladies Sunday school class – it is great to see people from home, share some of the trials, and how the Lord is working in me.  Terese’s message on “Tears” was encouraging, since that was one thing I really wanted to do after being here a few days and just could not cry!  Ugh!!  Then the tears came – it took frustration with Polish test, things were not what I thought and I do not “wait” well…. So the message helped me see that the tears are not always bad – God stores up our tears.   Today was back to Polish classes – crowded Metro and time to make peanut butter cookies!  The weather was warm – in 70’s but that heavy air…thankfully it has rained and cooled down for the evening….tomorrow is Poland plays Russia – go Poland!!!

“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”       Psalm 27:14

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Rolling up the sleeves and determined to learn Polish…
Just to catch you up a bit…Debbie left for WV on Saturday and I hang out around the apartment.  Sunday, I went for church at the Krzesinskis and then they were off to pick up Robert’s sister, Ella and son.  They are here to visit for the week and hoping to get time with Ola (Robert’s sister that lives nearby) too.  I enjoyed my Sunday – relaxing.  Monday was my first day of Polish classes…I was a bit nervous.  At first, it looked like it would just be me, then Lara joined me for the 4 weeks of intensive study.  Lara is from Scotland and Polish will actually be her 5th language!  She is here to study for a month, then off to hang out with friends in Germany for a few weeks before heading back to Scotland.  Classes are going well – just waiting for that light bulb to go on and Polish start flowing out of my mouth.  Yesterday, we had a good planning meeting for River Cities group coming next month…starting to get plans on paper.  We shared our answers from book “Lead Like Jesus” and how what we read gave us an “Aha!” moment.  Today is a holiday – a lot of parades.  No classes…so laundry, cleaning and study….first Eurocup match to be played in Warsaw tomorrow night.
The coffee cup version….
I know Debbie had to go home, but I did enjoy her wisdom and kindness that she showed me.  It helped me deal with some of the struggles of adjusting and things not being what you think they will be.  There were changes that occurred just before I arrived and there were times I allowed doubt to come in.  God was with me, but it was definitely a time of adjustment.  Rachel is letting me borrow a book “Shortcuts to Poland” and this book has given me a good insight on the Polish culture.  They have a quiz in the beginning “How Polish are You?” – I am fairly Polish with great potential…whatever you are doing, do it some more…so I guess I will be eating more fish!  Since the Krzesinskis are spending time with family, I am spending more time reading and studying.  The Lord is showing me things in my devotions and through e-mails from others…that I am making strides forward in faith.  Polish classes – nothing like having the first day of school jitters, it has been a long time.  Jola is a very patient teacher and Lara is well versed in several languages.  Lara is looking into working for an embassy someday and learning as many languages as she can – she knows English, German, Russian, French and soon Polish.  She is here for a month to study & explore and then off to Germany – Berlin, Hamburg & Bremen with friends.  It seems to be the thing for college students to do, travel through Europe and possibly study a language.  Today is a holiday, to celebrate the Christ child – there were parades throughout the city.  Not like our parades, but quietly marching behind banners, a group singing a hymn, or priests are preaching on a megaphone.  Tomorrow, the first Eurocup match will be held in Warsaw tomorrow night.  Some places are blocked off areas to accommodate tons of people watching the game on huge screens.  I am thankful that I will not be that close to all the events and can watch them on TV!  The weather has been more like spring/fall here this past week – cool and rainy.  I get to wear my new jacket…but I wish I would have got those rubber boats….  Today the sun is out and even though there is a cloudy overcast…it will be around 60 degrees today.    The follow verse had helped me this week…
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”  Phil 2:13