Layla is now officially “2” and a Princess…
Yesterday, May 30th Miss Layla Grace turned 2 years old! Mommy made awesome cupcakes with fondant butterflies and flowers – all layered on a dessert stand! Rachel did a wonderful job with the birthday treats and food…Robert and the boys decorated for Miss Layla Grace – so when she came down from her nap – she entered the Birthday party zone! Summary of this week – Monday did some grocery shopping and research online. Also caught up on a few e-mails and chatted with a friend via Skype. Tuesday, we had our planning meeting for group coming this summer, getting some plans down on paper and prayed that God will guide us in this process – so it will build the ministry and have some fun too! Wednesday , verified the length of time it will take to get to Polish class next week – found office to apply for Visa – but that office closed on Wednesday…went back today and got the paperwork, then decided to pick up some tourist information…got a little lost in the city, then off to metro & birthday party… Today – got my paperwork, got an interesting book on Warsaw – then & now, grocery shopped, Polish study and laundry….tonight I will listen to service online. I am so thankful for the notes of encouragement, Bible verses shared and chats via Skype…it does bring you right here with me! :0)
The Coffee Cup Version –
I will start from Monday…I went to Ken Center to get groceries and purchase a printer. There has been some things I missed taking care of before coming here, need to print & sign off on. Young guy at the electronics store was very helpful and kind…me being an American and all. He did sell me a more expensive printer, but the ink cartridges are much cheaper for this printer…so it all works out. Still have a few items that I would like, but not sure I want to carry them a few miles…LOL On Tuesday, we had our ministry meeting – planning for the summer group and making a temporary schedule of activities…flexible for change. There will be some meals catered and others where we will be bringing the food to the Hostel, so that was part of the planning – along with activities to help them get to know Warsaw, get familiar with the culture, and activities that will be done with the EDG students. We are continuing to pray for the Lord’s wisdom, guidance and provision – people and locations. I still think like an American, so Robert & Rachel have to remind me often…that things don’t work that way here. I got to have a bake off via Skype with Tracy – she won, she made her chocolate chip cookies…I just made snicker doodles. The EDG enjoyed them, most have not had a cookie like that…if we had chocolate chips here…I think that would be something new for them too. LOL We talked about holidays celebrated in America, Poland and around the world. We had a game – describe a holiday and we have to guess it. All I know is that this spring I will be wearing a rain coat every day…there is a holiday that people pour or spray water on others ….I hear it is fun, but I don’t want to get soaked! Robert & Rachel decided not to tell me what day it is…so I need to wear my raincoat every day. Ugh! Wednesday was Layla Grace’s birthday, so in the morning – I went to see how long it takes via metro to get to my Polish classes…while I was on that side of town, I walked through Old Town to office where I need to apply for Visa. Thursday is the day you can come to get the information, so at least I know how to get there and times to show up between. In an attempt to be efficient – I thought I would start picking up information for the 15 people coming in July – maps, what Warsaw has to offer and so forth. So it should not be hard to find the tallest building in Centrum…so I thought! I managed to make a large circle right around it…just did not want to take out my map and look like a tourist! LOL Oh well, got to see where the Uprising Museum is, a large second hand store, large flower market, memorial to prisoners of war, and a whole lot of different people. Finally, I made it to the Culture & Science museum that has information center – so I picked up a bunch of flyers. Of course, then I was getting hungry, needed to get to Metro and home…so I wanted to just cut over to the metro…this was possible last year, but with the Eurocup coming, they are blocking off the area for other events to be held on the museum site…so I managed to get in the area that is for employees only. The girl on the motor scooter was thrilled to have to help me go to gate to be let out…guard was thrilled too – you could just hear them say “dumb American.” Oh well, then I was off to Layla’s birthday party! We had fun helping to make their home festive for the birthday party and make our own party hats! We had shish-kabobs, kielbasa, potato salad and then cupcakes for dessert! Layla opened her gifts with the help of Josiah & Eli. She decided Eli should have the denim skirt but she would keep the pink shirt, and had fun pressing the buttons on the electronic key chain set. She loved her princess set – it came with 3 sets of princess shoes and she changed them out every 10 minutes, her 2 tiaras and her heart necklace. She used her wand to turn her brothers into frogs. LOL It was a ton of fun. Today – I kind of took it easy, went to get the visa paperwork and thought I might be a while, since I was # 41 and they were on 36. There was an American guy looking to get a work permit as soon as possible…he was #37. He was in the information office for 25 minutes….so I figured it would be a few hours…good thing I brought a book. Then someone took #38 to another office and numbers 39 & 40 did not come when their number was called. Yeah and I only took 10 minutes…because I just needed the paperwork and I have about 1.5 months to get it in, but hope to go back next Thursday with everything completed, 4 copies of everything…including getting pictures done. So I went back through Old Town to find the Polish/American bookstore…to get another copy of the Polish cookbook…to my surprise, that store is not there and the other bookstore down the road only had a few books in English – no cookbook, I did get a history of Warsaw – Then & Now. Yes, it has lots of pictures, but the history is written out too! Then came home to have lunch, go out to get groceries and then fill out application form for Polish class again…they have their website working again. So I will be studying and listening to service online. Thanks again for being a part of this journey with me! :0)
“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in our truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. “ Psalm 25:4-5