Thursday, May 31, 2012

Photos while lost in the city

EuroCup garden along main highway

Little Insurgent Monument

Artwork on building - neat how the window worked in the design

Layla's Birthday cupcakes - Rachel did a great job!

Layla is now officially “2” and a Princess…
Yesterday, May 30th Miss Layla Grace turned 2 years old!  Mommy made awesome cupcakes with fondant butterflies and flowers – all layered on a dessert stand!  Rachel did a wonderful job with the birthday treats and food…Robert and the boys decorated for Miss Layla Grace – so when she came down from her nap – she entered the Birthday party zone!   Summary of this week – Monday did some grocery shopping and research online.  Also caught up on a few e-mails and chatted with a friend via Skype.  Tuesday, we had our planning meeting for group coming this summer, getting some plans down on paper and prayed that God will guide us in this process – so it will build the ministry and have some fun too!  Wednesday , verified the length of time it will take to get to Polish class next week – found office to apply for Visa – but that office closed on Wednesday…went back today and got the paperwork, then decided to pick up some tourist information…got a little lost in the city, then off to metro & birthday party… Today – got my paperwork, got an interesting book on Warsaw – then & now, grocery shopped, Polish study and laundry….tonight I will listen to service online.  I am so thankful for the notes of encouragement, Bible verses shared and chats via Skype…it does bring you right here with me!  :0)
The Coffee Cup Version –
I will start from Monday…I went to Ken Center to get groceries and purchase a printer.  There has been some things I missed taking care of before coming here, need to print & sign off on.  Young guy at the electronics store was very helpful and kind…me being an American and all.  He did sell me a more expensive printer, but the ink cartridges are much cheaper for this printer…so it all works out.  Still have a few items that I would like, but not sure I want to carry them a few miles…LOL  On Tuesday, we had our ministry meeting – planning for the summer group and making a temporary schedule of activities…flexible for change.  There will be some meals catered and others where we will be bringing the food to the Hostel, so that was part of the planning – along with activities to help them get to know Warsaw, get familiar with the culture, and activities that will be done with the EDG students.  We are continuing to pray for the Lord’s wisdom, guidance and provision – people and locations.   I still think like an American, so Robert & Rachel have to remind me often…that things don’t work that way here.   I got to have a bake off via Skype with Tracy – she won, she made her chocolate chip cookies…I just made snicker doodles.  The EDG enjoyed them, most have not had a cookie like that…if we had chocolate chips here…I think that would be something new for them too.  LOL  We talked about holidays celebrated in America, Poland and around the world.  We had a game – describe a holiday and we have to guess it.  All I know is that this spring I will be wearing a rain coat every day…there is a holiday that people pour or spray water on others ….I hear it is fun, but I don’t want to get soaked!   Robert & Rachel decided not to tell me what day it is…so I need to wear my raincoat every day.  Ugh!  Wednesday was Layla Grace’s birthday, so in the morning – I went to see how long it takes via metro to get to my Polish classes…while I was on that side of town, I walked through Old Town to office where I need to apply for Visa.  Thursday is the day you can come to get the information, so at least I know how to get there and times to show up between.  In an attempt to be efficient – I thought I would start picking up information for the 15 people coming in July – maps, what Warsaw has to offer and so forth.  So it should not be hard to find the tallest building in Centrum…so I thought!  I managed to make a large circle right around it…just did not want to take out my map and look like a tourist!  LOL  Oh well, got to see where the Uprising Museum is, a large second hand store, large flower market, memorial to prisoners of war,  and a whole lot of different people.   Finally, I made it to the Culture & Science museum that has information center – so I picked up a bunch of flyers.  Of course, then I was getting hungry, needed to get to Metro and home…so I wanted to just cut over to the metro…this was possible last year, but with the Eurocup coming, they are blocking off the area for other events to be held on the museum site…so I managed to get in the area that is for employees only.  The girl on the motor scooter was thrilled to have to help me go to gate to be let out…guard was thrilled too – you could just hear them say “dumb American.”  Oh well, then I was off to Layla’s birthday party!  We had fun helping to make their home festive for the birthday party and make our own party hats!  We had shish-kabobs, kielbasa, potato salad and then cupcakes for dessert!  Layla opened her gifts with the help of Josiah & Eli.  She decided Eli should have the denim skirt but she would keep the pink shirt, and had fun pressing the buttons on the electronic key chain set.  She loved her princess set – it came with 3 sets of princess shoes and she changed them out every 10 minutes, her 2 tiaras and her heart necklace.  She used her wand to turn her brothers into frogs.  LOL   It was a ton of fun.  Today – I kind of took it easy, went to get the visa paperwork and thought I might be a while, since I was # 41 and they were on 36.  There was an American guy looking to get a work permit as soon as possible…he was #37.  He was in the information office for 25 minutes….so I figured it would be a few hours…good thing I brought a book.  Then someone took #38 to another office and numbers 39 & 40 did not come when their number was called.  Yeah and I only took 10 minutes…because I just needed the paperwork and I have about 1.5 months to get it in, but hope to go back next Thursday with everything completed, 4 copies of everything…including getting pictures done.  So I went back through Old Town to find the Polish/American bookstore…to get another copy of the Polish cookbook…to my surprise, that store is not there and the other bookstore down the road only had a few books in English – no cookbook, I did get a history of Warsaw – Then & Now.  Yes, it has lots of pictures, but the history is written out too!  Then came home to have lunch, go out to get groceries and then fill out application form for Polish class again…they have their website working again.  So I will be studying and listening to service online.  Thanks again for being a part of this journey with me!  :0)

“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.  Guide me in our truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.              Psalm 25:4-5

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Palace from one side


peacock after he struts his feathers

other side of Palace

Mermaid of Warsaw in Old Town

I went to Farmer’s Market (Bazarek) today:
There is a “Bazarek” – (Farmer’s Market – in English) a little over a block away from me and on Saturdays – it is a hopping place!  They have fruits, veggies, little grocery stores, clothing, flowers, and so forth.  I got some veggies: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, strawberries and eggs.  Thought about the flowers, but I still needed to go to the grocery store for water.  It has been a nice, cool –mostly sunny day and walked a few blocks this afternoon.  Backing up a few days ago, I went to Tesco (kind of like a super-Walmart) and bought some groceries…rode the metro and that made carrying the 6 liter of water a lot easier!  Yesterday I met up with the Krzesinskis and Debbie – we went to a park called “the king’s bathroom.”  It was huge and lots of pretty flowers and trees similar to the cottonwoods – so the allergies kicked in!  Then we went to Old Town for dinner – we had a HUGE pizza that filled all 7 of our bellies!   I have been listening/watching the messages from ODBC…some really should have a disclaimer that Kleenex should be on hand.  LOL  Thanks for the encouragement and helping me through the struggles…it’s hard going from being very busy…to resting in the Lord!

The coffee cup version:
On Thursday, I went to Tesco and really checked out the whole store…going up and down each aisle.  People looked at me like it was the first time in a grocery store.  LOL  I was just trying to do some comparison shopping – there is a small grocery store a block away, but there is a limited variety.  Carrefour is great for those things you need right away or if you are just picking up a few things.  Tesco has pretty much everything – like REAL, but Tesco is one metro stop away and REAL is a bus trip.  I got some Polish pickles and would love to tell you how good they are…but I have not been able to open the jar yet.  LOL  Rachel came over around 4 PM and then we met up with Alex (teen from EDG).  We walked around my neighborhood and went into some shops and checked out the few vendors at Bazarek.  We got some strawberries…they smell so good and taste good too!  Rachel had to go, it was almost 7 and she promised the boys she would tuck them in.  So Alex and I continued to walk to almost 9.  She was teaching me Polish and telling me more about herself and her family.  Friday, we went to the park – King’s Bathroom – there is a famous building that is known as the floating building – due to water on either side of it – Palac w Lazienkach (the “L” s should have a line through them – becoming a “W” sound).  Landscaping is amazing – all the beautiful flowers and old trees…birds and peacocks, red little squirrels and roses that will bloom next month.   They have concerts in the park – there is a huge monument of Chopin and they bring in a piano & pianist each Sunday to play his music and there are benches to sit and enjoy!  It is a beautiful place to walk around…unless you have allergies and the cottonwood trees are letting the pollen fly!  Still worth going to and enjoying God’s handiwork!  Then we went to Old Town – since traffic was picking up – we stopped for dinner and had a huge pizza – about 30’ – 32” round.  I’m sure DeLinda’s has that size…right Brandon?  LOL  There was a huge sea of orange T-shirts with “Go Bike, go green, go dutch” on the back….they were just starting to ride off through Old Town when we finished dinner and headed to the car.  It was a fun day!  Today I went to the Farmer’s Market and it was neat to see all the vendors and everything people buy…some ladies were trying on dresses over their clothes, various people trying on shoes, people buying pickles, sausage or hams, baked goods, fruits, veggies and so much more.  Then I stopped at grocery store for water and a few other items…then home.  Listened to the messages from Sunday online…the evening one made me hit pause and grab my box of Kleenex….   Studying some polish and then calling it a night.  Mother’s day is this weekend in Poland.  Then there will be another week…my intensive Polish classes start!  I am excited because it would be nice to know what some people are saying to me….  Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend back home!

“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.”  
Romans 14:19

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Various pictures - out and about ...5/19-23

My coffeemaker - brand name is Alaska!!!

Rainbow behind K's home

new craft room!

Couch with pillows from home and blanket from IKEA

Bed with blanket handmade by a friend and "contentment" pillow made by another friend

my apartment building

Rooster bounce house - just thought I would throw that in for FUN!

U'Grubego - small grocery store just across the street

Bus stop also across the street
Boxes have arrived!!!!
Sorry I have been busy getting settled in.  Thanks so much to those who were able to come out and Skype with me!  Seeing faces from home, talking with you and prayer were all a huge blessing to me!  We went to IKEA and I was able to get some stuff for my apartment.  Sunday we had church at the Krzesinski home and that was a blessing too.  The weather is turning back to summer, so we have been able to get out and about.  I am officially able to stay for 90 days…got my melding paperwork done today.  I have been trying to get all set up to start taking classes at the Centre for Polish Studies.   After filling out application form and taking test online a number of times, I was informed today that they are having issues with their website.   So lucky me – I get to take the Polish test again…  I did receive all my FedEx boxes yesterday and pictures will show you that I filled in many of the empty stops already!  I also have cable and internet…so I am more accessible at home!  English Discussion Group (EDG) went well yesterday – 8 people came, learned, had fun and ate cake & bagels.  Thanks again to all those who have been sending encouraging e-mails and your prayers…they mean more than you know.  Hey – I got my first card in the mail today!  Sure beats the junk mail!!!  :0)

Here is the coffee cup version:
As you know, I want to try and bring you here as much as I can…so let me know what you want to see or know about.   Even though I am still in the learning process, we are on this journey together….and you have no idea how much it helps knowing that!  Now on to less sappy stuff – after getting to Skype on Saturday with ODBC, we went to IKEA and got some kitchen stuff, some sheets, pillow and hangers.  Still need to get a rug for the living room…when I practice my Polish, it sounds like it echoes a bit in the apartment.  Sunday church was good – it was right on something I have struggle with a long time…waiting.  LOL  Since the weather was nice, Krzesinskis went to a park and I came back to my apartment to walk around a bit…getting to see different walking/bike paths and what kind of shops are around –  travel agencies, salons, restaurants, small grocery stores and clothing stores.  Monday – I went to Ken Center – it is a few blocks away and it is like a mini-mall.  I looked in a few stores and then got some groceries & small appliances – they have a cheezy bread that is very tasty!  When I got home, I discovered that one of the mixer parts was missing…so I was lazy and took the Metro there instead.  I asked the girl in customer service if I could exchange the mixer because a part was missing.  She was friendly and filled out paperwork to return, got cash and was able to purchase another hand mixer with all the parts.  Also went to a gym (to practice my Polish again), they gave me a business card and suggested I go online to get the information.   Later I went to CafeTee to use their WiFi, got my little cup of coffee and did not accomplish much there…so I found the Crepe restaurant that my landlord was talking about.  They also have WiFi and the girl was very friendly and helpful.  I had a great chicken crepe and was able to get all my e-mails answered before returning home with a full belly!  Tuesday was a big day!!!  Robert, Rachel and Layla came over to talk about this summer, give updates on the group coming and time to pray about the ministry.  Then the FedEx guy came and I received all 10 boxes!!!  Now the apartment is looking more like home and feeling that way too!  Later the cable/internet guy came,  he was so thrilled that he had to speak English to me…or was it the call from my landlord that really made his day…sorry, he was not thrilled at all.  It was probably the fastest he worked all day….just could not wait to get out of here.  English Discussion Group (EDG) went well last night…we had 8 people and they learned about the Panama Canal.  Then Rachel had a game to challenge 2 teams to guess what famous landmark it was.  One team gave hints and then could answer “Yes” or “No” and the other team had 2 minutes to guess what it is.  They both did well and were rewarded with chocolate cake and bagels.  Some got to try peanut butter – thanks Roz!!!  It was a big hit!  Today I went to get melded…just a fancy way to say that I am legally allowed to stay till 7/30…but I will need to go back before then to try to extend my stay for a while longer.  Their return policy is a bit different here…not stated on receipt.  Then the one thing that has been a real struggle for me the last few days – getting my application form, test and deposit for Polish studies…  As indicated in the summary, I took the short version of the test a few times – only to find out that the school is having computer problems with test.   Also when they forwarded me the test to take, it was 9 pages and not 3!  It would be so much easier (and less humiliating) to say – just put me in the beginner class!  Lord willing, I will get a confirmation tomorrow that they have my application form and test…so I can begin classes on June 4th.  They will be intensive classes Monday – Friday (5 classes a day/45 minutes each) and there will be excursions and some additional fun stuff in afternoons and weekends.  I will be taking these classes for 4 weeks and then take a break for group coming in July, then try to get back on track.  Lord willing, I may be meeting with one of the girls from EDG on Thursday.  She may be able to help me with my Polish!  OK I am pretty brain dead from taking the long version of the Polish test twice…yes, managed to not save the first test and had to do it all over again.  Ugh!  Trials and lessons learned….

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”            Galatians 6:9

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Getting to know my way around….
On Saturday, the Krzesinski family returned home…think Pychia was more excited to see them than me.  Sunday we took it easy in the morning and at 11, we went to my apartment to move in!  Finalized some paperwork, signed and now I am an official renter in Poland.   We had church service in the afternoon and just spent time with the family.  This week has been kind of low key – taking care of paperwork for packages, looking into Polish language schools, English Discussion Group, getting ready for Debbie’s arrival, business meeting to plan & pray about summer and just the regular daily stuff.  Hoping to get internet service in my apartment soon – contract is signed but the technician needs to come.  Then things will feel a little more settled for me.  Also weather changed from summer to feeling like fall and lots of liquid sunshine (rain). 

The coffee cup version:
The Krzesinski family came in late on Saturday evening, so the Giant Taco and dessert needed to wait for Sunday.   I am very thankful that they arrived home safe and had a great time with each other.  The paperwork her for renting an apartment is a bit different than in America, not a lot to sign and I am very blessed with the landlord that I have.  He and his wife have gone out of their way…not only furnishing the apartment – new microwave, TV and washer, dishes, pan, silverware, glasses…some cleaning supplies!  The other neat things about the apartment are the bus stop is right across the street from me, I can see who wants to come up…and I can decide whether or not to buzz them in, garbage is nearby – go to main floor – go outside to put in your pass code to drop off garbage in bins, even though there is a buzz of cars going is pretty quiet here.  Lord willing the boxes will get here soon and then it will feel a little more like home.  We had a good English Discussion Group on Tuesday night – small group, but that was better for me…since I was the main speaker sharing about NYS.  Most think of NYC when you talk about NY.  So it was neat to share some facts with them and then we played Family Feud to see if they retained anything.  I may have spoken too quickly…but all in all they did well.  Yesterday, we picked up Debbie from the airport and had a chance to catch up a bit…laugh and go for a walk. I am looking forward to getting some basic TV channels and internet service at my apartment.   This may help me retain more Polish and this way I do not always need to be at the Krzesinski’s home to check stuff online…especially e-mails!   We have been planning and praying about the events this summer, especially with the group coming in July.  It sounds like dates are being finalized, places to stay, and arrangements for group to go to Krakow for a few days before returning home.  Please  pray that we can find a new place to start holding the English Discussion Groups…last year, because the weather was so nice, we were able to go outside and on Tuesday, I was reminded how dark the place looked inside…granted it was raining outside, but it may just be that it is in kind of like a basement.  We are still praying about the Barzta – place on the corner of a main street near the Krzesinski’s home…it will need some work, but it would be a great place to start…if it is affordable.  Please also pray for me…I have been in a weird funk…not sure how to explain it better than that.  Thanks for your encouragement and prayers!
“Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them.”  Proverbs 4:5

Friday, May 11, 2012

Random pictures from today - 5/11/12

Pychia walking by the Shack

Joe and his wife, Patsy in front of Hotel Bristol..fanciest place in town!

Old Town - Patsy found an Amber pendant for her daughter and I got my first Polish pottery mug!

House on walk with Pychia that is having terra cotta roof being put on. 

International Christian Fellowship - I went to on Sunday and lilacs to remind me of home...

Friday - May11, 2012

Counting the blessings of small victories….
Sorry it has been a few days – here are the victories – getting my transportation card renewed for 30 days…all by myself!  This means I can take a bus to the metro station and save myself a 45 minute walk!  It takes about 10 – 15 minutes to the bus, depending on which stop I go to.  I have also been spending more time studying Polish and the Bible.  Thanks to the online services…I was able to listen to the past few weeks and help in my daily studies & walk!  Also thanks to those who have been writing and encouraging me along the way.  I don’t think I will have my big cry afterall…just feel the pressure building up – but the Lord gives little victories to offset the other junk.  Thanks for your prayers for Pychia (not sure if you know – she is the Krzesinskis great dane that is keeping me company while they are having family time).  She is learning English a lot better than I am learning Polish…but other than pooping in the street, instead of grassy area allowed…we are managing to get along.  Today I will be meeting up with Joe (from my Polish class) and his wife – it will be nice to hang out and be encouraged.  They are Christians and admire my faithfulness in coming to Poland and serve with Operation Poland.  I will try to upload pictures later today…

Here is the coffee cup version:
Wednesday, I decided to take it easy – hang out at home…mostly hoping that my boxes would come, but they are being delayed.  Long story short – it will be OK, just need Robert and Rachel’s help and they will be home soon.  No worries – just prayers!  Anyway, Pychia and I walked, studies, prayed and relaxed.  On Thursday, after the morning walk – Pychia got mussled and put in small bathroom, while I ventured out again to get transportation pass renewed.  It is about a 45 minute walk from here to Metro stop.  They now have machines to renew, so I did not have to go in tiny office and pray for the right words.  On the way, a lady stopped me – rattling off something in Polish – probably asking me for directions somewhere – first of all anyone who knows me – I am not the one to ask for directions….often the guys from TN had to say – Marie you want to come this way….  Other thing to talk so fast, I was not able to keep up.  So I stopped her and in my best Polish told her that I understand very little Polish.  She smiled and turned to the next person walking by.  LOL  Hope that means that I am starting to blend in…  Anyway, I made it to the hotel that Joe & his wife are staying at.  It is across from the tomb of the unknown soldier…so I took some pictures, like any tourist and then headed back home to let Pychia out…since this venture was about 4 hours.  Well – to my surprise – Pychia had managed to get out of her mussle and spread the toilet paper all over the bathroom!  I was very upset, but it was my fault…I did not check if the mussle was on right and I left her there for so long.  We went for a walk and I cleaned up the mess when we got back.  Then made some peirogis for dinner…the frozen kind that you just heat up….I cheated!  More study and prayer...chatted with my brother via skype…cleaned up and called it a day.   Today I started with doing laundry – it is a warm day and sun was fully out…but now I see the clouds rolling in.   So my stuff may not get dry in one day – afterall!  Oh for those of you that do not realize this – dryers are rarely used over here – they are a luxury item!  Since they use so much electricity and are apartment size here, most clothes are hung on drying racks…so I am thankful to have a balcony with my apartment!   It would take longer to dry indoors….  I am excited about the adventures that lay ahead for today…going to Centrum and Lord willing to Old Town…maybe have a scoop of lody!!!  Lody is ice cream…just not the size you get at Lugias…this would be a super small baby size from there.  LOL  At the same time, it is a great treat for a sweet tooth like me!  May you have a wonderful day and God bless!

“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart: I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.  I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.”        Psalm 9:1-2

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday – May 8th
Marie’s Big Adventure…
On Sunday – I walked to church at International Christian Fellowship.  Guest speaker was David Lewis, he and his wife own a Bed & Breakfast at Niagara on the Lake!  He spoke on “Happiness” and referred to Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10).  After service went to Marc Pol for some groceries and then home, then  spent most of the day being walked by Pychia, playing tug of war and reading.  Monday, was a gray day – so did some cleaning, time with Pychia and more reading…also researching Warsaw, Joe & his wife are coming end of this week and trying to find a place to meet.  Joe is from my Polish class and he is researching his ancestry.  Today – I walked to Metro and headed to Centrum to find hotel that Joe & wife will be at…did not find hotel, but it was neat to be back to where we spent a lot of time handing out flyers.  Then went to REAL – checked out the store a little more – kind of like a Super Walmart or Super Target store.  Hurried home to let Pychia out of her confined space and spent the rest of the day getting worn out by Pychia!  LOL

The Coffee Cup Version:

Sunday – I gave myself too much time to get to church, so I found that Marc Pol was just a little further up.  Checked out store and prices seemed pretty reasonable…so I figured it would save me time after church by going there for the things I needed – instead of REAL.  Church service was to start at 10:30, but it started late…music followed by Pastor Roy sharing a few things and on the screen they listed different ministries they offer while basket was passed.  It is a nice facility – very bright and warm environment.  Even pastor shared that the number of people very each week, since service is in English.  Visiting Pastor David Lewis and his wife, Joanne, served in Warsaw for a number of years and then were very hurt by some event that nothing further was stated.  I went to meet Joanne after service, but there were others that wanted to talk with her…and I felt kind of silly because I really wanted to share that I am from Rochester, NY and just came to Warsaw last week.  Besides, Pychia was waiting to take me for a walk.  So I hurried to get my groceries and then home.  Pychia could not wait to take me for a walk…then when I got home, I had lunch.  Rest of day was spent playing with dog, replying to e-mails and reading. 
Monday – was a gray day and my mood felt that way too…I was starting to miss home and miss Krzesinskis.  Even though I am used to quiet, it is something neat about having kids around.  Layla loves helping Mommy in the kitchen.  Flour cakes are her specialty!  Boys like beating me in Mario Kart…not hard, since I struggle to stay on the road.  LOL  Pychia was down too…she would growl at me when I did not want to play, but she took me on the 2 daily walks.  We pass by the Barzta Restaurant & Bar each day and I pray for the opportunity to rent or own the bar – fix it up and use it for ministry and then Lord willing, we can move up to fix up the restaurant also and maybe make it a church with a Spanish feel.
Sorry – I started putting the carrot before the horse again…
Tuesday – was my big adventure.  I went back to the Orange (newsstand) to get Rachel’s tracphone rebooted with minutes.  Yesterday I bought the card and did as Robert said…but the recording was in Polish – so I probably skipped a step or something.  Thankfully the lady at the booth was very kind and knew a little English.  She added the minutes to the phone for me and off I went to find the Metro.  I found the Metro in a familiar area – where we would have our English Discussion Groups.  I went to find Hotel that Joe & his wife are staying at Thursday through Saturday…but as usual, I got turned around and could not find the street I needed.  Then I went to Tourist Information – right in Centrum.  It was almost 1:30 and I figured I better quit while I knew where I was…back to the Metro.  I was disappointed our friend that used to beat to his own drummer on a broken chair was not there…instead they had a huge Orange square tent of some kind.  The guy that was listening to Chinese music last year was there – but now he has a boom box and listens to Rock.  I purchased another pass and went from Metro to bus and to REAL.  To check out the store at my own pace and to get more bottled water and dinner.  Then back to the house to set Pychia free.  Even though my legs felt like rubber, I let Pychia take me for a walk…felt it was only fair since she was in the small bathroom for over 4 hours.  Then got some laundry done…played with dog, dinner, played with dog, studied Polish and at 7:30 PM 4 boys came looking for Eli and Josiah.  I started speaking to them in German and then tried to change to Polish…but one boy, Max must have remembered me from last year and said “are they on holiday?” I said yes and they were on their way.  Hopefully tomorrow my FedEx boxes will come…
I am so thankful that the Lord is with me…there were times that I thought I would cry because of the loneliness, but no tears come and I know I am not alone…prayers and the Lord give me comfort as I read from His word.

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”                 John 15:4

Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 5, 2012
Hi, Everyone!
Yes, I made it to Poland after a great commissioning service and send off at the airport!  It is great to know that you are loved and supported by many!  The Krzesinski family was at the airport to greet me and thankfully the boys came running through the crowd to greet me!  I gave the T-shirts out along with the gifts and they were all so excited…as you will see there are pictures that were taken the next day!  Thankfully I got about 12 hours of sleep and there was no jet lag on Wednesday…just me being mixed up on what day of the week it was.  Thursday was a holiday – the signing of the Polish constitution – so we hang out as a big family and relaxed.  Friday Rachel and I looked at apartments and I put a deposit & signed contract on the one we all liked the best!  Owner is so kind – his wife may be giving me some pots & pans… and flowers!  He also speaks 4 languages: French, Polish, English and GERMAN!  Today – Pychia and I become best friends while the Krzesinskis get some rest as a family!

Now for the 2 coffee cup version…sorry I should not have waited so long to write…
Sunday night, 4/29, was my commissioning service and it was a joyous occasion!  People had all these nice things to say about me and I was touched by all they had to say.  Since I do not like to cry in public and it was a time of rejoicing…I was thankful for only a few tears that fell.  Thanks to all those who brought the yummy desserts!  Even though I did not get to eat much that night, Diane packed me a goodies box that I enjoyed before flying out on Tuesday.  It was a bit stressful on Monday – getting things ready to ship out and finish up last minute stuff.  Sorry I was late to the airport on Tuesday, but I was so touched by all that came and those who were able to stay a while…thanks to those who took time to chat with my family!  One of the ladies at the airport was very impressed that so many came out to say “see you later.”  Flight to Chicago went well and I am so thankful for the time I was able to spend with Kelly & her family!  It has been a number of years since we have seen one another and the Lord allowed us to catch up a bit and rejoice in all the Lord has done in my life – from the time she lead me to accept Jesus as my Savior to the time I will going on a plane to Poland (to serve in the mission field).  God is so good!  I flew LOT airline – for those of you who do not know – it is a Polish airline…you thought we talk a lot on the plane…LOL  They also like to travel with their dogs – there were at least 3 medium size dogs that rode in the baggage area of the plane for almost 9 hours!  I dozed a lot on the plane, but it was a good flight.  I was anxiously waiting on my luggage when we arrived, since I had 2 large suitcases and my small suitcase (it was 2.5 pounds over the limit and could not be taken on board…but thankfully they only charged me for one suitcase – instead of 2).  Praise the Lord!   Another praise that they did not weigh my backpack…I might have only been able to board with a book.  LOL  Then I loaded the cart with all my stuff and a lady was ahead of me – she saw her family and stopped in her tracks…the was only room for one cart at a time.   So finally she moved to the end and I was trying to find a way to move through the crowd…when 2 boys came running up “Miss Marie” – man, was I happy to see them.  Then Rachel, Robert & Layla followed quickly after.  We shared big hugs and scooted out to the car.  Rachel made a great tomato pie for dinner after stopping quick at REAL.  I shared the gifts I brought for them…Robert and Rachel’s belated birthday gifts and goodies for the kids.   Then I shared about the T-shirts and the boys wanted to put them on right away.  Since it was close to bedtime, we decided to put them on in the morning.  Robert, Rachel & I shared for a bit about the ministry and a few things that are going on.  As usual, I began dozing and it was highly recommended that I go to bed.  After 12 hours of sleep, I felt much better and was pleasantly surprised to see everyone wearing their T-shirts!  So I went and put mine on and we took pictures!  They are all touched that people would take the time to sign and pray for us!  I said – that is Open Door!!!!  You may not see them, but they are here with us…as Pastor Bill says:  “When one goes, we all go!”  Most of the day we relaxed…mostly for my sake, but I am so thankful that they are so understanding.  It was also a holiday – Constitution Day – no fireworks, parades or anything like that – but there were many showing their Polish pride by hanging a flag outside their homes.   Friday was my big day out with Rachel – apartment hunting.  Robert had contacted a realtor on my behalf about a month ago…since I was looking at the most popular size and price range…4 out of the 8 were already rented.  The 4 that I looked at were all nice apartments…the first one was my favorite – it was close by, had a more open floor plan, nice size kitchen and owner speaks English (also French, Polish and German).  He was the one that made the most effort to speak English the entire time – so I could follow along.  Even though Rachel shared what was said by others, it was nice to hear first hand.  The other apartments were nice, but he really sold the place by telling me how far the metro & bus stops were, mini-mart across the street and a few really nice restaurants nearby…one is a Crepes place!!!  Yum!!!   I really like the Remax realtor, Malgorzata, that Robert got for me.  She knows her stuff and got not only the price of the apartment down, but had my back on other things.  The owner, Zbigniew, it is really his son’s apartment, but he will be ready to move in about 5 years from now…Piotr is studying at college.   Owner bought 3 apartments – his daughter & family live directly below me and he & his wife next door to her.  He is a techy – his company works with internet, communication, and cable services…so he will give me a TV, help me find a reasonable cable& internet service provider, his wife may give me some pots & pans, other starter stuff and flowers!  Rachel told me that he called them her “green  pets.”  LOL  We think of him as a big teddy bear with a big heart for others.
Today the Krzesinskis are taking some time as a family…allowing Pychia and I to become good friends!   We play tug of war a lot, go for walks and I am thankful to have her around.  I am so thankful to be here, have some time to myself (with the Lord) and starting to explore.  There are a few tasks that will take me out the house and expand my comfort zone!  Praying that Robert & Rachel get the time with the kids, rest  they need and we be thankful when they return home.

Love & prayers to all!

“I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go.”         Jeremiah 45:5

4/28/12 update
Hi, All –
Just a few days before I leave, so packing in under way and finalizing the last minute stuff.
Thankfully I received a few items to take with me and be a blessing to the Krzesinski  Family!
It is hard to believe that the day is almost here and all the work, trials and blessings…lead to a new chapter in my life.  The trip to WV was a blessing to get some of the business stuff straightened out and have a better understanding of how to be more effective in my bookkeeping!
I am grateful for all the friends from Open Door Baptist Church – who are more like family than acquaintances.  The years at ODBC have taught me to surrender myself to the Lord’s will and to follow in obedience.  Even though this is not an easy walk, I have more joy than I have had in years!  There is a change within that I do not have the words to explain.  Thanks again for all the prayers and encouragement – I would appreciate that they continue as I move to Poland and new challenges will arise.  God is so good to me and I am so thankful for His provision!

The cup of coffee version:

Well the Bible Institute classes are done for now…and I am so thankful for their teaching!   I have a better knowledge and feel a bit more prepared for the ministry ahead.  Now I need to focus some more attention on learning Polish…after I finish my outline for Sunday and sharing with the ODBC how the Lord is working in my life and how thankful I am to all who have done more than they know.  I am blessed by having the opportunity to get to know several people at church.  Pastor Bill asked me to give him a few names of people that I am close to…it stumped me because there are so many women who have touched my life in a special way…how do you pick just a few!  Pam, who invited me to ODBC several times, and trilled when I did come.  Beth, who sat with me during the play “By His Wounds” and noticed the unity of several people working together on stage and behind the scenes to make it a successful outreach.   Tracy and I started our missionary journey about the same time and even though they are very different – all the blessing and the unique relationship we have since then.  Peg, who has been a patient mentor, prayer warrior and just a blessing to call friend.  Shelley , who is like a sister to me in so many ways, took me under her wing and taught me so much along the way – her friendship has encouraged me to stretch beyond my comfort zone and surrender to the Lord’s will.  Brenda and Julie, who have accepted me as part of the family and all the blessing that brings!  And I could go on and on…but I am so thankful for all my sisters in the Lord – who have encouraged me, got me out of my comfort zone and taught me so much!  I am also thankful for the pastors and teachers – that have taught me what it is to be a disciple and how we need to challenge ourselves to continue to grow in Christ!    I am so excited how the Lord will work in my life, opportunities to share and Lord willing people will come to visit and encourage me! 

“Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God, trust also in me.”  John 14:1