Hello Everyone!
Sorry I have taken so long to give an update…but I have been rather busy.
Here is the quick summary:
The Lord has been so good to me! I sold my car to a family at church, the house was sold and closed on 4/4 – so you can image all the packing/cleaning, and moved back to my parent’s home (I got the big bedroom this time)! A lot of stuff was moved to my brother’s house for storage and now sorting through items being shipped to Poland and rest going to storage…
The Lord has gone before and touched a lot of people’s hearts…through the generosity of many friends, family and Open Door Baptist Church - I am at 98% if being fully supported for 2 years! That is just under $1,500 to go!!! Last day of work is April 17th. The flight is booked for May 1st and I will be in POLAND on May 2nd!!!!!
Here is the cup of coffee update:
As many of you know, I started the sale of the house back in October. The Lord brought tons of people through – many saying that they really liked it, but no offers were coming in. Then in January, a buyer put in an offer that was too low…so I was not sure if I would get a fair offer. By the February, buyer came back with an offer close to my best offer…so after prayer, I accepted offer. There were some stressful times – mostly to do with the well and verifying that well water was acceptable.
The process of letting go of things – getting donations for some items, donating to Goodwill, some items to trash…and rest for storage & pack for Poland (to have a little from home).
Thankfully friends came along side – in prayer and others were able to help me back or let go!
To find a buyer for my car – the Lord allowed me to go on Facebook at the right time (yes, there are some good things about Facebook). I took the car to mechanic to verify car was ready for sale and verify that fair price was being put on car. Thankfully the Lord was in this process and made things go so smoothly! Now a family that needed a second car…has one! It is a blessing that the Lord helped each of us!
Progress on Bible Institute – Pastor Lloyd is finishing the Old Testament study on Wednesday and I will have that class completed before I go! Lord willing, I will be able to finish off the New Testament before May…
Polish classes are done…and I would not say that I have confidence to speak Polish, but I know it is a good base to start from. Now Rosetta Stone is making a little more sense and I hope to continue my studies and go from there.
Lastly – working on finishing those little things like banking, canceling services, medical insurance, packing for Poland and so forth….
Thank you so much for all the prayers, my prayer team – for the constant prayers & encouragement, and financial support! Thank you does not seem to be enough…
I am so humbled that the Lord wants to use me in Poland and how He has been with me every step of the way! If I can encourage anyone going through a trial or questioning what the Lord may have for you…allow Him to push you past your comfort zone! Take that first step and allow God to open doors for you!
“If I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.” Phil. 2:17