Year in Review…
Wow it is the end of 2012 and what a year it has been…starting the year in prayer and hopes to get to the mission field. All the excitement and it felt like a rollercoaster ride – selling the house & car, getting rid of stuff, storing some things, shipping others and in May flying to Poland! Then time seemed to stand still for a while, as I got familiar with my new home…learning the language and culture. The blessings of getting to know people, participate in English Discussion Groups, joining a Woman’s Bible Study and helping to get the location functional and ready to welcome people. The Lord has blessed beyond measure. Thanks so much to you, your prayers, support and contact via phone, skype, e-mails and cards/packages. I miss you tons, but I am truly blessed by the Lord’s grace and mercy.
Cup of Coffee version…
This has been a year of highs and lows, excitement and times of fear that have been faced. There was tons of joy about coming to Poland, then I got here and was overwhelmed for a while. Today I heard a great message, that would have been awesome to hear many months ago…4 Things to Know for Transition. I would like to share the points and verses with you, because it applies to anyone going through transition.
1 – To know who you are (not just by your profession) verses: Hebrews 2:11, 1 Thes. 1:4 and 1 Peter 1:1-2.
2 – To know where you came from (your roots) verses: Eph. 2:13, Eph. 5:8 and Col. 1:21
3 – To know where you are going to (not just the location) verses: 2 Peter 1:10-11, 1 Peter 5:4 and 2 Thes. 2:14
4 – To know whose going with you…verses: 1 Peter 2:10 and 2 Peter 1:3
There are a lot more references, but as many of you already know – it is about the Lord working in you through the Holy Spirit.
After this message, I realized that I have gone through this transition…probably took longer than most, but I have made it through some really hard times. I am so thankful for family and friends having patience with me – listening as I had to work through things. Even though the process of learning Polish has been a great challenge, the Lord has blessed me with opportunities lately to talk with my neighbor, lady at the bazarek, and others. The Polish teachers have become good friends and we stay in touch. So slowly, I am making friends and Poland is becoming home. The Krzesinskis opened their home to me for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. It was fun to see the kids open and enjoy their gifts. In January, we will open the new church for English Discussion Groups, Bible studies (in Polish), church service and kid’s activities. I am so excited about going to visit family in Germany for a long weekend and I am excited about the New Year. Yes, there will be more Polish lessons, as I hope to continue preparing for ECL exam and be certified as knowing Polish Language. It would not be the same without a little laugh before the end of the year…well, here it is. I went to take out the garbage the other day, went into the elevator and then the lights went out for a moment and then the elevator would not move…finally figured out that it was disconnected (see I am learning Polish) and pushing the alarm button only made me for frustrated. I was able to read through Job, prayed for a way out and tried the doors again…thankfully I was able to open the one and make my escape! It was the longest trash run EVER! The good news is – I started my New Year’s resolution early and now take the stairs! LOL Today I got to work at the new church and pray that the Lord will fill the place. Love and prayers – to a great New Year!!!
“that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter1:7