Thursday, October 13, 2011

Update from my return and where the Lord is leading...

Even though I was excited about coming home, it was hard leaving knowing the ministry was starting to grow...  It took a few weeks to get back on my feet, job hunt and praying for the Lord's leading.  As you may have figured out - the Lord is calling me to missions in Poland.  I returned home on July 8th, by August 1st, I was going to Candidate school down in Chattanooga, TN.  It was 3 days and covered a ton of material...and by the weekend, I knew it was truly God's calling and not just the desire of my heart to return to Poland.  I was blessed with the opportunity to share not only with the Krzesinskis, but the interns also!  My friend, Susan, agreed to take some photos of me and we were able to get a good one for the prayer card and brochure!  It was not that easy, but she was patient with me and would count to 3 and I would smile.  LOL  Another friend, Margaret, helped put the brochure together and I am so excited about how well it turned out.  I can't wait to hand them out!  Lord willing the prayer letters will be going out within the next few weeks and I may be able to go to other churches and share how the Lord has worked in my life and the work that is already being done in Poland!  As many of you already know - I have also had to work at cleaning up my house, decluttering, letting go of material things and put my house on the market.  Thanks to my parents, brothers, and friends - I was able to have a few garage sales and did well...found out my Mom is a good salesperson!  Even though it has been challenging to let go, it has also been very humbling...  The Lord has blessed me with many things - crafts being the biggest "clutterbug" factor!  At times, it is embarrassing to see all that I have, knowing that others around the world would love to have just half of it...whether it be people in Poland or Philippines or just people in the area...  Well, moving on - the house is on the market and someone came to look at it the other I went nuts getting rid of the cobwebs in the basement and keeping it clean (Karen & Alice did a great job of staging my house - but I keep bringing stuff out to make it home while no one is coming to view it).   Lord also blessed me with a job and I am so thankful for a Christian boss.  It is a temp. job till February, but Lord willing - it may be extended a little longer... 
Now the tough stuff really starts - Bible Institute, trusting that the right person will come to buy my house, staying focused on the Word & on my knees in prayer, and keeping the emotions in check....
I am so thankful for a prayer team, friends that offer a shoulder to cry on and family that loves me - even though it makes no sense to them that I want to go to Poland for 2 years. 
People often tell me - hey you are really doing it!  (referring to Matt. 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, ...  The "go" is the easy part, but I am looking forward to "making disciples" part. ) 
Today's entry - I will close with just saying that the Lord is good and continues to stretch me through this process of gaining funds to be able to join the Krzesinskis' ministry.  Even though I am scared and excited, I have never felt so alive and such JOY in my heart!  I hope you will join me in this journey - through prayer and if possible financial support...God has many things in store for us!

"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving."  Colossians 2:6-7