Saturday, July 9, 2011

Friday - the day I fly home...

Well, it was an early start - finished packing and after 3 hours of sleep...Robert picked up Keith and I to go to the airport.  Keith volunteered to get up early and help with luggage and stuff.  Man, it is hard to leave...I feel like the ministry is just really starting and the seeds are getting watered and then I leave.  I know the guys do a great job with the discussion group - not that they need me there, but to be a female present, especially with the number of women coming to the English Clubs...  It is probably just me not wanting to miss out, but I do think my presence did put some girls at ease.  For me, I know I needed a little more time to be able to pull Barbara aside and share my testimony - we had a lot in common and Lord willing, I might still be able to stay in touch via e-mail and possibly be called to return (even for a short stay next summer).  Another lady that I was hoping to get to know better was Joanna (Bart's girlfriend)...she is seeking the truth and I wanted to have the right words to say.  As many of you already know, the wisdom hits me about 1/2 hour late or more...  Lord willing, there will be a way to stay in touch with her also.  
Now to the fun of the travel "mission" - it all went well in Poland, got on time to airport, said good-bye without tears flowing on the outside...made the first flight and all went well. Second flight was out of Berlin to Newark - being the longest leg of the journey - it went well.  Sat next to a nice young German guy, just liked getting out of the seat a lot...  The tears started running and thankful that the tissues were handy - also thankful that was it time with the lights were off and most were watching something or other on the screens on the back of the seats.  Anyway - before I get to Newark a quick side note - Warsaw was sunny, got to Berlin in rain - but before we let it was to Newark it was raining.  Then the "fun" - Polish sarcasm...began.  The flight was going to take off at 2:30 PM, then delayed slightly due to rain, but then we were able to to the runway and sat there for almost an hour (rules are that they can only sit for an hour and if beverages are gone) then they have to return to terminal.  We were next in line (also a small plane) and we were told that we had to go back and flight was cancelled.  UGH!!!  When we got back, we saw planes taking off (granted they were bigger, but being tired - I was frustrated).  Then we joined the nice long line of people needing to rebook flights.  Customer service...not really present - unfortunately they only had 2 - 3 people working for about 200 people in the economy class line and 1 - 2 people for Elite group (if the line had 10 people at any time...that was the most we saw).  Over 2.5 hours of waiting...then got booked on a flight that was to leave at 9:27 PM.   There were a few of us that were booked to Buffalo instead, but their flight was scheduled at 10:15 PM.  I got to meet  people from the cancelled flight to Rochester - we even talked about renting a vehicle, splitting cost and driving to Rochester.  The one teen is trying out for the US Hockey team and needed to get here.  He called his Dad and they made arrangements to pick him up and drive him there.  After about an hour, I suggested that I hold his place in line, while he go to talk to someone about getting his luggage and getting out on the road.  So he must have got things resolved, because he did not come back.  The retired couple and guy from England (here to be in a friend's wedding) were booked on flight to Buffalo and we (Dotti from NC and another girl) were going to have dinner together...but Dotti and I missed where the others went and we went to a bite on our own.  I went to verify that our luggage would be going to Rochester and not be left in baggage claim...the attendent was not friendly or bothered that I would ask, but gruffly said it would go to Rochester and no need to go to baggage claim.  So Dotti and I went to wait for our flight...I dozed a bit, after being up for over 2 hours and just dozing on the plane...not unusual for me.  Then I heard someone say that our terminal was changed.  It was never announced over the PA or anything...but it was 9:40 PM.  So Dotti and I went to check the board...sure enough gate on the total other side of airport and flight would be at 10:22 PM.  So off we went...again!  Dotti is retired and coming to Rochester to visit her sister and family for a week- also to attend a graduation party.  Thankfully we were able to go on plane around 10:40 PM and came in after midnight.  So thankful that my parents were able to come pick me up!  Just means so much that people love you and willing to bend over backwards...loose sleep to allow me to sleep in the comfort of my own home.  Last side note - there were a group of about 24 that went to Dominican Republic for a week to share Christ and help in the mission field.  It was interesting to overhear somethings while dozing.  LOL 
Thanks so much for your prayers and support!  Also for giving up your time to read my rambling messages on this blog.  I am very blessed and humbled.  Love the Krzesinski family, the opportunity to serve the Lord and getting to know 3 great guys from is so neat to be in the Will of God and my hope is that all may be able to experience this for themselves in some way!  God bless you all!

"But He giveth more race. Wherefore He saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble."
                                             James 4:6

Thursday and my Last English Discussion Group

I got to try the public transportation on my own today!  Robert is meeting the guys at the Hostel to discuss Leadership Essentials and I went to meet Rachel at home for Discipleship Essentials.  We shared about the internship, talked about some struggles and I saw there were times that I should have put my stuff aside and helped her out more.  We did talk a little about the study, but it was a good time of fellowship.  Then Robert, Eli and Josiah came and we got ready to go for lunch.  They treated me to a great place called Stary Dom and the food was great!  Then they took me to Old Town to finish up shopping - souveniors.  Stopped for some ice cream and headed to the English Discussion groups.  There were a little girl about 8 years old there, but she decided to stay by her Dad and her little brother.  Her mother, Maria joined the discussion group and she was someone I handed the flyer to at the park.  Then I found out 3 of the other girls came because Syliva (the quiet one) received a flyer from a dark, bushy haired girl (that's me)!  So being the last one, it was encouraging that 4 of the 7 that attended were through a flyer from me.  It made me happy.  Since there were no other kids, I did spend some time with Eli and Josiah, going through the ABC's and numbers - then Rachel suggested I join the group and she would play memory game with the boys.  The guys did a great job of running the English Club, we divided the group to encourage all to speak and practice their English.  In our group, one of the girls said she did not know much of what the Baptists believe...I thought that Travis would really be able to share more, but time did not allow.  The guys are starting to learn about body language also - 2 of the girls leaned forward, showing their interest in the subject of religion.  Friday the guys are doing a discussion group more on the subject of faith and religion and praying that this will bring people out.  Some of the girls were interested, but the time did not work for them...Lord willing they will come back and will be able to work out an opportunity to share Christ.  We went to dinner at an Itailian place nearby and share the highlights and some challenges...I shared my testimony and my heart.  It was late and early start tomorrow....

"Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear."                     Hebrews 12:28

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Radical and Engish Discussion Group

We met at the Hostel to review chapter 2 of Radical.  A look at the narrow road and why so few follow Jesus.  Author talked about how we often present the hope we have in Jesus and the love He has for us, but not making people aware that there will be trials.  So often when people come to these trials...that is where the Believers rise to the occasion and go back to their old ways.  Then we went to Real to got our groceries and start cooking a Polish meal for the Krzesinskis.  It allowed Robert to run a few errands and for the guys to show off their cooking ability.  We had a great meal - breaded pork chops, potato pancakes, cucumber salad, and crepes with cream and fruit!  The drain in the kitchen was clogged, so Robert worked on that while we finished preparing for English Club.  Since it was yet another rainy day, we were not sure how many would come.  We were thankful that Barbara and Agnieska did come out and we talked about the American culture and had them share about the Polish culture (in English).  It gave the guys the opportunity to share about religion and how they come from the Bible belt and what it means to them.  Agnieska seemed a little indifferent to religion but her body language showed she was a little uncomfortable.  Barbara is Catholic and strong in her faith.  She asked a bunch of questions to Robert in Polish.  After class, they invited them to a religious discussion group on Friday at a coffee shop.  Agnieska is working and possibly Barbara will come.   I was battling a headache, so when we got back to the Hostel, I layed down for a bit, then met the guys for a light dinner downstairs.  We had a nice chat and we all went to our rooms early to get a good nights sleep.  I can't believe that it is almost time to go and it feels like the ministry is just starting...

"Enter by the narrow gate...because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life..."
                                      Matthew 7:13-14

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Update on Past 2 Days...

Hope everyone got to enjoy their 4th of July events!  Since Rachel needed to take care of some visa issues and Robert & kids needed to join her, we got our start at the Hostel.  The boys worked on their outline for the English Clubs this week and I worked on adding more preschool materials to mine.  We shared ideas and I threw in my two cents, every once in a while for the adult clubs.  The outline was in pretty good shape and they got their power point slides together also.  They went to the corner store to get our usual lunch and I tried to clean up the table.  After lunch, we finished some things and got a call from Robert that it was OK to start heading to their home.  We packed up and went...only to arrive at their home early.  Beau face timed his parents and friends...we all got to say "Hi" and then they jumped the fence and played basketball.  I worked on a grocery list for the Polish meal that we will be preparing this week.  Robert & family arrived, we helped unload the car and get everything inside.  Keith and Beau started the fire in the dampness (oh yeah - it rained again today)...I helped Rachel in the kitchen with salad.  Eli & Josiah helped wash potatoes, Rachel got corn on the cob, Robert made large beef/turkey we all pitched in for making the American cook out!  After enjoying a great meal...some had fun throwing the individual packs of tissues at one another.  I got was safer!  Before the kids went to bed - few firecrackers were lit, we made huge ice cream splits, and shared with Robert & Rachel the outline.  Rachel had issues with the visa - so she needed to leave the country (get passport stamped) and return - getting another 90 days to qualify for a visa.  Flights were very expensive and would take at least a day or possibly 2 away from her family.  The other option was to have 2 people join her in a road trip to Beau and I volunteered for the road trip.
This mean that Rachel would pick us up at 5:30 AM!  Needless to say, we were both a bit tired, but ready to go - Rachel ended up bringing Layla, which ended up being a HUGE blessing!  Quick side note - women with young children are usually able to move up in a line, get seats on bus/metro, and so forth as well as older women (senior citizens).  OK back to my story...At first stop, I managed to get my foot caught in door and landed on the ground...only a bruised knee.  We got some coffee and large jelly filled donuts...after we ate, back to the road trip.  Beau has tons of stories and he kept us going all the way to the boarder (along with playing with Layla, who was wide awake on the first leg of the journey).  Polish passport & costums were not bad. Similar to going to Canada for us.  Then in Urkraine...things got a little interesting.  It was not clearly marked where to drive and what window to go to first...each of us needed to get out of the car to verify passports, then at customs - lady got phone call and chatted with the person while we waited for her to check out papers...she questioned why Robert was not there, since he was the car owner, Rachel explained that he was at home with their 2 boys and she was here with friends and her baby daughter.  I think she just wanted to give her a hard time, but the guy in the booth got her to stamp and let us go.  After a quick stop, Rachel turned the car around to head back to Poland.  There was a long line (Hey family remember when we were going back to Germany from Poland) least this line was a single file, but the guy told us that it would be a good 2 day wait!  We could drive a few hours to another spot, wait about 4 - 10 hours to get through the border...then he said she might be able to pay 200 Zloty to get through faster.  Beau suggested that Rachel just say she did not know and see what happens.  She stopped and talked to a policeman and when he was Layla in the car, he did not wait for her full explanation and waved her on.  Then next stop, guy filled out paperwork and did the same as the cop....then this stop took longer.  We were waved on to one booth (again we thought all of us would have to get out of the car) - I went with Rachel first...sent to 2 different booths and each were wrong...we got to the right one, the lady shut her window just as we stepped up and took a break for a few minutes.  She was kind when she came back, stamped the paperwork and got bumped to a few more windows...but lady was kind and had a guy verify Beau and Laylas paperwork without having to get out of the car.  Then a few more stops...back to Poland we would go!  We were directed to one line, the lady asked if we had anything to declare and because we made no purchases, she waved us on.  We got to a short line, the guy came out, verified the paperwork, checked car and told Rachel next time she needed to wait in other line (this had about 20 cars - it would have taken another 40 - 60 minutes).   The customs inspector got our passports, verified that we had nothing to declare and was stunned that none of us bought vodka or cigarettes!  We were waiting for him to come out again to hand Rachel all our papers...then after about 15 minutes, a lady knocked on Rachel's window to tell her that she needed to go in his office.  She went in - he apparently asked her how much gas she had in the tank and how big her tank was....odd questions we thought, but we were just thrilled that he gave Rachel the papers and we could head back home.  (It took about 4 hours to get to Ukraine and little more than 5 hours to get back).  I lucked out - I was in back with Layla after we stopped for lunch.  She took a good 3 - 3.5 hour nap!  I dozed a bit too... then started taking some random pictures to keep myself awake and talked with Rachel, so Beau could rest a bit.   We had leftovers when we got to the Krzesinskis and it was good.  We were all tired - Travis & Keith had done more surveys and made some connections with college guys.  After dinner, we had a quick chat and Robert took us back to the Hostel.  Being out in the mission field, opens the door to new and different experiences each day...

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."              Psalm 37:5

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday - time with the Krzesinskis

We headed out to service at the Krzesinskis after a quick breakfast.  Yes, another day of off to the metro and then on a bus to service we go.  On the bus, I took some pictures to show you the route we usually go - I will only attach a few pictures.  Some it is hard to see because of the rain ad others were a bit blurry.  We shared our time with Bart & Joanna with Robert & Rachel.  Then Travis led worship and Keith preached from Luke 10.  It was a good message and he shared his testimony.  It is so neat to see how the Lord has grown the boys in the short time that I have known them.   Their mentor, Gus, had prepared them will through the study of Discipleship, but through some struggles they have had, the glory goes to God.   Rachel made 2 kinds of pierogis for lunch - Robert told her that I have been wanting some.  We had cabbage & spinach (kind of like an eggroll inside pasta) and Russian - cheese and potato.  They were so good!  We also had some salad.  Later Rachel and I went to the bakery and got 3 different cakes...I would have sampled all the goodies there!  We got a cheesecake with raisins, cheesecake with apples on the bottom and light cream and raspberry (it had raspberries in a red gelatin, then the light cream layer and cookie crust).  All were yummy!  She also took me to Real to get a few items to take home.  When we got back to their home, we had cake and coffee...think all the guys are drinking coffee now!  LOL  The boys had soup and grilled cheese sandwiches...while the interns played some basketball.  Then we talked about chapter 1 on Radical - it is a really neat way of looking at church.  Most churches are striving to build attendance and this pastor is challenging people to look at Jesus's church of 12.  Not looking to grow numbers, but looking to have all members involved in discipleship and growing in their faith.  We had dinner, packed up and went home. 

"And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see."                                       Luke 10:23

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day Off

Today I slept in and since it was our day off - you guessed it - it rained all day!  After breakfast, I started the job hunting process and preparing for English Klub lessons.  I found some great websites with video clips from Sesame Street - even my favorite on "C is for Cookie and that is good enough for me."  So if you meet any Polish kids singing that can think of me!  LOL  The guys went to the corner store to get rolls around 2 PM, cheese, deli meat, cookies and chocolate ice cream (for me...but I shared).  LOL   Back to the room to work on some more stuff and had a chance to chat with my parents.  Apparently I sound a bit different when I am in Poland, but when I laugh - then my Dad recognizes me.  In his defense, I am congested.  Around 4:30, couple of the guys and I went to the park and threw the football...who knows I might actually learn how to throw it properly yet!  Then we got ready and waited for the bus to go visit Bart and Joanna.  The guys forgot the cookies, so there was a flower stand and I got some flowers for him.  He is doing well and this coming week, he goes back to see the doctor and hopes to get something like a walking boot or at least a cast where he can actually bend his knee all the way.  We had a good conversation...we got to share our faith and Joanna asked some tough questions.  It was interesting to hear some of their views on church too.  Joanna made us a very nice dinner - chicken with mushroom sauce, yellow rice and cauliflower.  The guys will probably go to visit them again next Saturday and I am kind of disappointed that I will not be able to go.  So despite the rain, it turned out to be a pretty good day.  :0)

"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient"
                          II Timothy 2:24

Brainstorming and Girl Time

Last night the room next to me was empty and it was so nice and quiet!  Got tons of time in the bathroom to primp and prepare for the day!   Robert and Rachel were going to do the follow up visit about Josiah's arm, but when they called they asked a few questions and it was not necessary to come in.  Josiah will have the half cast on for about 4 weeks, but that will allow his bones to gain strength and heal.  Praise the Lord!  Robert spent most of the morning getting the auto insurance taken care of...long story short - if he did not go today, he might have been paying 2 plans for a year.  The guys and I got together to brainstorm for the e-mail message to send to those who gave their e-mail addresses from the survey and for the next English Club that will discuss American vs. Polish Culture.  Since we have no idea where the conversation may lead, we want to be prepared.   This weekend, I will be looking into getting some games and Sesame Street clips to work with kids like Asia.  In the afternoon, we had lunch at the Krzesinskis and it was around 3:30 PM by the time Rachel and I got to go shopping - so much for the all day - Girl's Day!  LOL  We went to a mall nearby, since it was raining...again.   It was tons of fun, we got some coffee and got to experience for ourselves the difference in American vs. Polish culture...Rachel wanted to take me to Sephoras for a makeover (Yes Erin - you will get your turn too)!!!  Rachel talked to one girl, who quickly referred her to mind you there were 3 other ladies that work at the store behind her AND an empty chair...but we need to have an appointment because they are very busy.  We looked at each other - said thank you and walked across the way to the MAC store.  This store had about 8 chairs set up like a beauty salon and there was a gentleman all ready to go.  Ironically, he said the same one in the seats, but they are very busy on Friday and Saturdays.  Customer Service...not a priority!  We went to one store and tried on some clothes...I actually found something and Rachel helped me to accessorize.  Also tried on some pants...they sizes are not universal and embarrassed to say it looked better on the rack.  Then we went to another store, I really liked the first pair of pants Rachel grabbed, but thought it would look weird if we tried on the same kind of pants.  This store actually had a petite section!  This was awesome for Rachel!  She grabbed some things to try on and I went to try one the pants she and I liked.  They are super comfortable and fit nice too!  Rachel tried on one outfit and not only did it look great on her...her smile just lit up the room!  I am so happy that the Lord blessed and that I was able to get her this outfit.  Rachel has been with the kids and feeding us and trying to help in the ministry in whatever way she can.  It was so nice to be able to do a little thing to bring her JOY!  We did some more shopping with some success and other items that looked better on the rack.  One store there were a ton of people - it was kind of like a Marshalls or TJ Maxx - long line to fitting room and cashier.  Other stores had one attendant...we found out quickly why - they were high end clothing and prices that I could not afford.  We got back to the house after 8 PM, the guys were working on a 3-D puzzle and determined to get it finished before we left.   Needless to say, it was another late night...but we got it done.  It was a good day of fellowship and sharing!  It is good to serve the Lord and just have some fun too!

"Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good."                                   Titus 2:3

Friday, July 1, 2011

Second Day of English Discussion Groups

Well, the tour group left before 8 AM, so no stern looks to start the morning.  Yeah!  The original plan was to meet at the Krzesinskis.  Rachel and I would go over the first chapter of Discipleship Essentials and the guys would do Leadership Essentials.  But Josiah's arm was still hurting and they needed to go see a doctor - this meant calling around to find where they could take him, due to insurance issue.  So we took a stack of flyers to advertise the English Club (a short way of saying English Discussion Group) to Centrum.  It is the center of the city and there is a lot of foot traffic.  Besides there are several other people handing out flyers.  There is a group advertising for English classes that cost 499 Zolty.  So with ours being FREE and with speakers from the US...we are really offering them something better.  Usually those classes are more like school where you gain head knowledge, but lack the practice.  We were there a few hours and got a lot handed out - some people would take them and crumple them up without reading them or throwing them away, but we pray that some would take the time to read and come check it out.  Then Robert came and picked us up from Centrum and took us to meet the rest of his family at a nice restaurant.  The food was very good and filling - Yes, I remembered to get pictures this time!  I had the broccoli soup and for dinner pork chop, potatoes and salad - kind of like a cole slaw but a dill flavor to it.  Very good!  After dinner, we went to a park nearby to hand out some other was a very nice park and had a playground for kids.  So it was my turn to step up - I talked to the Moms and asked if they would be interested in free English Clubs - most took the flyers and a few were very interested,  So I am hopefully that they do come and even bring their kids.   Keith went to talk with some teens and totally ignored him - he never felt so rejected before.  There was a huge procession about Solidarity - people from all different areas of Poland came and it stretched for miles - holding up traffic and blowing horns (some looked like the ones from the World Cup).  There were cannon noises also - a little different than in America.   We probably should have handed them flyers and we would have been done for the day.  Even though handing out flyers randomly is not as effective as making personal contact, we decided to go back to Centrum because we did not have a lot of time before needing to get over to Klub 29 to set up for Discussion Group.  The Cranberries were doing a sound check for concert - so Travis went over to check it out.  Then finished up handing out flyers...Keith again had another bad experience.   An older man came and looked at his flyer - continuing to say USA and Keith said yes, I am from the USA, the guy smiled said some stuff in Poland then proceeded to rip up flyer in front of him and toss in garbage.  Unfortunately that is the way some people feel about God here, that they don't need Him or want to get have a relationship with Him.  Then we got our stuff and headed to Klub 29.  I was hopeful that we would have some kids and I did have one and her Mom.  Asia (pronounced as Asha) and her mother, Donna came early.  I was going to set up in a tiny room, but the Lord blessed us with nice weather and were able to do it outside.  The large room that we will have in the future, had a movie night planned and could not reschedule (but this is the only time there would be a conflict).  Anyway, Asia is in kindergarden and did very well with the ABC's and 1-10, she lost interest in the book and just wanted to color.  So I went over the different fruits that could be colored.  While she was coloring, I asked Donna about what Asia learned in school - she told me that she has only had one month of study.  Ugh!  I was hoping for at least a year or so...  After Asia was done coloring, she wanted to go home.  I said that I had a video and she was interested in seeing Veggie Tales at first, but because she did not understand...she lost interest very quickly.  I told Donna that I would try to find some games and songs to make it a little more fun for her.  Robert also talked with Donna - she is interested in the discussion group for herself, so she may come by herself on Wednesday nights and Thursdays stay with Asia.  Even though I was a little disappointed, it was all good.  Then I joined the other discussion group - Barbara returned from yesterday (she was more confident and spoke more last night), Micheal (guys met handing out flyers last week), his friends Corrina (sp?) and Dominik (18), Renati (about my age).  They enjoyed the discussion groups and are looking forward to coming again.  Dominik is preparing for exam (similar to SAT - but they have a written part - English grammer and oral part -he is very concerned about), but shared with Robert that this is a blessing because he does not have the opportunity to speak and corrected when necessary - so this will had him to gain some confidence before the exam.  Even though the group is growing slowly, it is encouraging to know that our work is appreciated and people are thankful that we are offering them a chance to practice their English and it is Free!   We went back to the Krzesinskis for dinner - almost 9 PM...we had sandwiches and then Rachel & I went to find a caffe to discuss Discipleship Essential while the guys stayed at their home.  We went to 3 different places and found one that allowed us to stay for 1/2 hour.  We got through most of the lesson, but we had a chance to chat and that meant more to me...I just really needed to talk with a friend last night.  I thank God for Rachel and so thankful that we did get to share from the heart!
Needless to say, it was a late night - we got back to the Hostel after I crashed. 

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."   
                                             I Thessalonians 5:11